Life Style & Wellness

14 things you say to “I love you”

R.For the first time you tell someone you love, they may weaken the knees. One million times? Perhaps it is still good to hear – but also a little, familiar. “Words are important,” says Lauren Varina, a psychotherapist at Chicago. “If we only use the same words over and over again – it has meaning like the phrase” I love you ” – it begins to feel angry, and thus lose some of its meaning.”

After a while, you may not consciously think about what you say. This phrase consisting of three words-about the weight-is a hypothetical expression of affection, and the words that roll your tongue automatically when leaving the door or hanging the phone. Varina says that switching what you say to someone you care about can indicate that you are putting an increased level of thought and intention to care for the relationship.

We have asked experts to share their favorite alternative methods to allow a romantic partner, friend or family member who know you that you care about them, instead of those three small words.

“You carry a place in my heart that no one can touch.”

You may think you are already continuing this to your loved ones through your actions. Sejginha Williams-ABAKU, a marriage processor and family who has been trained in Gottman, says a treatment technique for a couple that emphasizes healthy communication. “This shows them a unique, distinctive and important range for us,” she says, especially if I say this in a moment when you feel emotional contact. In this way, it comes as “authentic and real, and they can feel the extent of your intention.”

“I trust you and respect you.”

Trust and respect is the cornerstone of a love relationship. When you tell someone you trust, you basically say that you know that it will appear to you when you need it. In addition, the person’s health is verified at the recipient, because it “shows your perception of his personality,” says Marisa Cohen, a marriage processor and a family expert in the relationship with the dating application. Respect is vital and explains that you appreciate your partner’s feelings and desires as much as your partner’s feelings. She adds that through the participation of any of these feelings or both of these feelings, or you will grow a safe connection and a deeper level of intimate relationship.

“I feel safe with you.”

Emotional safety allows you to feel protection and love – confident that your partner will take care of your heart. Otherwise, you may find that you are on the edge of the abyss, restart the conversations, or struggle to give up your guard, or avoid asking what you need because you are afraid of your rejection. For this reason, the transfer of safety feeling is very strong. “It is great,” says Cohen. You tell your partner that “in times of distress, it is like a safe outlet – someone you can find from safety.”

“You care about me.”

Sometimes, people need to hear how much they mean to you directly. Melissa Ligri, a licensed marriage processor for marriage and family, is the clinical director and co -founder of behavioral health in California in Palm Spins. “It may be particularly comfortable during difficult times, or when someone feels ignoring,” she added. You may say this during one quiet conversation, or in the text of the heart. “Keep it simple and real,” she recommends legere. “Your tone will do the rest.”

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“You are my home.”

If you say this to a member of his family, you will move a deep feeling of comfort and belonging. “He tells a person more than just someone who is interested in him – he does not go to your safe area and the person you meet when you need tolerance,” Legere says. “It is a beautiful way to express that it brings a feeling of stability and warmth in your life.”

Use it during an emotional moment, or when you want to remind them of the amount it means to you; She adds that he can be whispered during a hug, written on a card, or even share a display in a quiet moment together.

“You add a lot of value and joy to my life.”

If you haven’t told a friend what he recently means to you, go to the moment. “Many friendships generate fun.” “Knowing that friendship is more than just fun, and we add value to a friend’s life, it can make us really satisfied.” You suggest, “I have appeared to me,” which enhances your connection.

“You have my heart.”

Tell someone with your heart conveying confidence, dedication and deep affection. “It is intimate and distinctive – and you want to choose them to give them a piece of yourself,” says Legere. “It works well when you are weak and want your partner to know that he is occupying an irreplaceable and unique place in your life.”

“I heard a song that reminded me of you.”

Share a specific method that reminds you of a person you care about – such as a song you heard on the radio, a poem you read, or a beautiful area of ​​flowers that you saw in your career to work – you can make them feel privacy and appreciation. In addition, they allow them to know that you are thinking about them, even when you are not together.

“It is a great opportunity to enhance your connection,” says April Davis, the founder, president and president of Louma Lovor Swift. The smallest man lived ever Remind you of it.

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“I love to be [husband, wife, partner, parent, friend] because _____.”

Privacy is the key when you express affection – and make it a point to tell your loved ones regularly (tools), such as their creativity, humor or loyalty.

Zero indicates a specific quality or inclination that you pay attention; In addition, it helps to ensure that your compliment appears honest. “My personal philosophy is that what each of us is looking for in a relationship is really known and known to whom we are as individuals, and this statement really pays it.”

“I am more than I am supposed to be because of you.”

If you feel that the important others make you a better person, tell them that. “The healthy relations do not require us to agree or change important parts of whom we are,” Varina says. “They allow us to prosper, and provide us with space to be more than we are.” She adds that there is another way to say this, and it expresses that they see you as a hard -to -seek – testimony of the strength of your partnership.

“An important thing I taught to me is ____.”

Varina loves to say that relationships are the semester of life – an opportunity to know your desires and needs, learn about sympathy, conflict solution, health communication, and much more. Varina says that sharing what I learned from someone is a way to say, “This is what I gave me.” Checking a person’s health can be on the recipient. “We want to feel that we are important, and like that we are influenced, especially with the relationships that we invest in greatly.”

“The way you are [name specific idiosyncrasy] It makes me love you more every day. “

Your girlfriend may have a morning routine of 15 steps, or your husband talks to the refrigerator as if he was another member of the family. Celebrate these dodges, Williams Apaco suggests. Naming something unique about your partner allows them to feel vision and appreciation: “These small things are usually the least estimated parts of us, but they really add a color to our identity,” she says.

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“Let’s never lose this friendship.”

This is a meaningful way to honor a friend during a heart attack or when you write a note, says Williams Apaco. It shows your loyalty and the fact that you are ready to work hard to keep the bond. “This shows our investments in the depth and length of friendship,” she says. “We want to keep them – this is a strong way to say,” I really love you, and you are special for me. “

“If you get the choice of my family, I still choose you.”

We all know that we cannot choose our family – for the better or worse. So if you still choose the same people? Williams Apaco says this high praise, and it is worth mentioning. It is considered a beautiful way to explain that “the relationship we have with them is by choosing.” For someone, you will be stuck in any case, there is no better courtesy.

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