
Apple TV+ Posts is the first image of French series

Here’s a first look at CarêmeThe French Apple TV+drama series about the first celebrity chef in the world. Check more pictures below.

April 30 launch, Carême It comes from The three poor people Director Martin Porbulon and French talent, including Benjamin Voyen, Cesar Prize winner French transmission Lina Khodri’s star.

The exhibition sees the fame of the protagonist, then much more, as his talent and aspirations attract the attention of famous and powerful politicians, who use it as a spy for France. Determination to escape poverty and fulfill his dream, Carême can choose revenge or can get everything – women, wealth, fame – but at what cost?

Inspired by the book “Cooking for Kings: The Life Of Antonin Carême, the first famous chef for the historian and actor Ian Kelly, Carême It was created by Kelly and David Sirino. It is the latest French Apple TV+ show that follows the fashion series La Mason Eva Green Starier Contact.

The news comes after the signing of the Apple TV+ on an announced agreement with French professional bodies. The agreement is committed to investing in 20 % of its annual net sales in France in the development and production of hearing and French visual and French visual works.

Carême It is an executive produced by Vanessa van Zolin with VVZ and Dominic Farujia with Benigay’s imagination to buy Apple TV+. The series was filmed on the site in Paris and around it.

As a matter of courtesy Apple

As a matter of courtesy Apple

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