Technology & Innovation

Bill Gates says he has given billions of dollars, but he has more to offer

Maxine Collins/BBC Bill Gates in Blue Jumper and ScreetMaxine Collins/BBC

At the end of our interview, Bill Gates reveals new numbers about how much his charitable institution has now spent his efforts to combat diseases that can be prevented and reduce poverty.

“I have given more than 100 billion, but I still have more to give it,” he says.

This is the dollars, only to clarify, at a value of about 80 billion pounds.

It is almost equivalent to the size of the Bulgarian economy or the cost of building a full HS2 line.

But to put it in the context, it is also about one year of sales of Tesla. (The owner of Tesla Elusk is now the richest man on this planet, and he is the positions of position for many years.)

The co -founder of Microsoft and his improved colleague Warren Buffett brings together billions through the Gatees Foundation, which he originally set up with his ex -wife former Melinda.

Gates says that charitable works are planted early. His mother regularly told him, “The wealth came responsible for abandoning her.”

The plan was to unveil the number of $ 100 billion in May, for the twenty -fifth anniversary of the Foundation. But Gates revealed this exclusively to the BBC.

For his part, he tells me that he enjoys giving his money away (and about $ 60 billion of his wealth has gone to the basis until now).

When it comes to his daily lifestyle, he does not notice the difference in reality: “I haven’t made a personal Of course, he can still carry a private plane for him and his various huge homes.

He plans to give up the “vast majority” of his wealth, but he tells me that he spoke a “lot” with his three children about what might be the right amount to leave them.

Will they be poor after his departure? I ask him. “They will not do,” he answered with a quick smile, adding, “At all, they will do a good job, in terms of percentage, it’s not a huge number.”

Gates is a mathematics man and appears. At the Lexide School in Seattle, in the eighth grade, he competed in the regional mathematics exam from four countries, and he achieved well, at the age of thirteen, one of the best mathematics students in high schools at any age in the region.

Mathematics terms come to his second nature. But for translation, if you are worth $ 160 billion, which claims Bloomberg billionaires that, even leaving your children a small percentage of your wealth still makes them very rich.

Maxine Collins/BBC Bill Gates in a pale blue dull and gray pants and Katie Razzall in a velvet green trouser suit walking outside the Lexide School in Seattle Maxine Collins/BBC

Bill Gates (in the picture with Katie Razal) walks around his former school in Seattle, which he remembers “wonderful”

I am with only one of 15 people on this planet who possesses (worth more than $ 100 billion), according to Bloomberg. We are in his childhood home in Seattle, a modern four -bedroom modern house in the middle of the century, and we meet him because he wrote notes, the source code: my beginnings, focusing on his early life.

I want to know what a difficult and obsessed child is not suitable for one of the pioneers of technology of our time.

He brought along his sisters, Christie and Libby, and all of them are three with a tour of the house where they grew up. They are no longer in some years and the current owners have been renewed (fortunately, the siblings of the gates seem to approve the changes).

But it restores memories, including, while walking in the kitchen, to the long interior communication system between the likable rooms by their mother. Gates told me that “singing for us in the morning” to get them out of their bedrooms to break breakfast.

Mary Gates also set her watches and hours for eight minutes until the family operates to her time. Her son often rebelled with her efforts to improve him, but he now tells me, “My ambition has been heated through that relationship.”

He put his competitive spirit on his grandmother “GAMI”, who often with the family in this house and who taught him to outperform the competition early in card games.

Maxine Collins/BBC (from left to right) The side file of Bill Gates, which fixes cards, Katie Razzall smiles, with Bill's Sisters Libby and Kristi, who plays paper Maxine Collins/BBC

(LR) Bill Gates, Katie Razal, with Bill Liby and Chrisi sisters, who saw with their brother playing papers as a “competitive sport” thanks to their grandmother

I follow him under the wooden stairs heading to find his old childhood bedroom on the basement. It is an elegant guest room now, but Yong Bell spent hours, and even days, here “thinking”, as his sisters have put.

At one point, his mother was tired of chaos to the point that she had confiscated any of the clothes that she found on the ground and directed her stubborn son 25 cents to buy it again. “I started wearing less clothes,” he says.

By this time, a drug addict was on coding, and with some of the cunning school friends in the field of technology, one computer was accessed in exchange for reporting any problems. He was obsessed with learning to program in those days arising from the technology revolution, he was infiltrated at night through the window of his bedroom without his parents knowing more computer time.

“Do you think you can do it now?” Ask.

It begins to relax the fishing and opens the window. “It is not so difficult.” “This is not difficult at all.”

There is a famous early clip of the gates that a TV presenter asks if it is true that he can jump over a chair from a permanent location. He does this there in the studio. I am in the childhood bedroom gates for something that looks like a “moment”. The man is approximately 70. But he is still a game.

Bill Gates with a smile on his face, successfully climbing from his previous bedroom window

Bill Gates, 69, is happy to restore time when he came out of his bedroom window at night to reach a computer – without being arrested by his parents

It seems comfortable – this is not only because we are in a familiar environment. In the notes, it was publicly unveiled for the first time to think if he is growing up today, it is likely to be diagnosed with the autism spectrum.

It was the only time I met before it was in 2012. I barely looked at me in the eye where we had a quick interview about his goal to protect children from life -threatening diseases. Certainly there was no small conversation before an interview. I wondered after we interacted if it was on the spectrum.

The book puts it: his ability to focus on the topics he was interested in; Its nature is obsessive. His lack of social awareness.

He says at the primary school that he delivered a 177 -page report on Dilayer, after he removed the brochures about the state, until he sent sealed envelopes to local companies that request their annual reports. It was 11.

His sisters told me that they know that he is different. Christie, who grows up, says she felt protecting him. “He was not an ordinary child … he was sitting in his room and chewing pencils to the lead.”

It is clear that they are close. Libby, a therapist, told me that she was not surprised to hear he thought he was on the spectrum. “The surprise was more willing to say” this might be the case, “she says.

Gates Bill Gates as a child, with his sisters on his sides, in the form of 1971Gates family

LR: Christie, who said that her brother “sits in his room and chews the pencils to the lead”, Bill and Libby in 1971

Gates says he had no official diagnosis or plan. “The positive characteristics of my professional life were more beneficial than the deficit, it was a problem for me,” he says.

He believes that the nervous diversity “definitely” was excessively represented in the Silicon Valley because “learning something in great depth at an early age – helps you in some complex topics.”

Elon Musk also said he was on the spectrum, indicating Asperger syndrome. Tesla, X and Spacex Billionaire are famous for Donald Trump, as well as Bruce of other modern technology, Mark Zuckerberg of Mita and Jeff Bezos are among the other attendees in the Silicon Valley at the opening of Trump.

Gates tells me although “you can be sarcastic” about their motives, as he also communicated with the president. They had a three -hour dinner on December 27 “because it makes decisions on global health and how we help poor countries, which is a great axis for me now.”

I ask Gates, the goal of some of the beautiful wild conspiracy theories, what he is thinking about the decision that Zuckerberg made after Trump’s election Emptying facts in the United States on its locations. Gates tells me that he is not a “admire” how governments or private companies move to the borders between freedom of expression and truth.

“I don’t know personally how to draw this line, but I am concerned about not dealing with this as it should,” he says.

It is also believed that children should be protected from social media, and tells me that there is a “good opportunity”. Less than 16 years old, as Australia doesIt is a “smart thing”.

Gates tells me “social networks, even more than video games, can absorb your time and make you anxious about others’ approval of” so we must be “very careful to use it.”

The story of Bill Gates is not a breach of wealth. His father was a lawyer, the money was not narrow, although the decision to send their son to the private school to try to motivate him was “an extension, even on the salary of my father.”

If they don’t do it, we may not hear about Bill Gates.

He managed to first access an early Master’s Central computer via the TELETYPE in school, after mothers held a mixture of money raising. The teachers were unable to find out, but four students were on that day and night. “We used computers when almost no one did,” he says.

Lakeside School A Bill Gates in teenager wears a hat, lying on the table, tends on the wall with a ground phone, in a black and white imageLexide School

Bell, who was seen in 1973, says he is “trying to look great” in the “Teletype room” at the Lexide School, where he was spending “a great deal of time”

A long time later, he created Microsoft with a friend of the school, Paul Allen. Another, the best friend of Gates, will be tragicly died at the age of 17 at a climbing accident. While we walk around the Lexide School, we pass the church where they carried his funeral and where Gates remembers crying on the steps.

Together, they had big plans. When they were not on computers, they were reading CVs to find out the factors that made people successful.

Now Gates wrote himself. His philosophy? “Many were there from the beginning.”

Bill Gates VIPC2 was made at 19:00 on Monday 3 February and iPlayer

Source Code: My beginnings were published on Tuesday 4 February

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