Cocktail Week: Spread Yari Club – Recipe Cocktails
OtosoOr a spiced reformer, is a Japanese tradition that usually enjoys in cold months. It is a similar concept to study wine, but herbs and spices (TosoanIt is specifically chosen to protect against disease and evil spirits, and for dictatorship in good luck. Tosoan is a great difference, as each person chooses it, so use those listed here as a guide and adapt to the fitness of personal taste. Cloves include us to reduce inflammation, cinnamon bark to help digest and citrus to calm the stomach, while the Saki helps itself promote blood circulation. It is not uncommon, spiced with green tea to taste.
Serving 2
1 cloves
1 anise star
Cinnamon TearIn addition to 2 full sticks, to decorate
2 wide strips, fresh orange peel
1¼cm fresh ginger piece
15 grams brown sugar
Orange juiceIn addition to 2 orange segment, to decorate
360 ml
Reduce the spices, peel the orange and ginger in a dry skillet over medium heat until a fragrant smell is smelled. Get sugar and orange juice, then stir and leave to the bubble so that it can a little caramel.
Gently and warm, then press small cups or glass utensils. Acceptors with a slice of orange, balance cinnamon stick at the top and serve.
Ann Angri, Head of Operations, Yari ClubLondon wc2