Technology & Innovation

“Dengue” is the strange and fat that you need now

Evolution, ethnography, epidemics – this It is the soup from it DengueIt is a new strange novel brilliantly by Argentine author Michelle Nieva. A boy of dengue fever called mosquitoes and humans that may be an experience, genetic mutant, or as a result of some terrible corporate crimes. The three may be at the same time. However, it does not matter many brutal creatures, which we find in 2272 in the remainder of Argentina after the ice cover in Antarctica has made most of the world either underwater or unlimited hot.

Hot enough to roast the turkey in 20 flat minutes in what passes to room temperature in California. Meanwhile, “Argentine Caribbean” is still average throughout the year, with 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 ° C). It is surprising, then, that the developers were busy in the Caribbean in the Antarctic, and the full vital engineering to re -create small slices of land, ah, the earth. For a fixed fee, customers can choose a five, 10, or 20 species to fill the Biome in Masse. Who cares about one of the rainy Amazon when you can make 30?

Humanity is suspended, more or less, like an error on the bottom side of the rock. On the other side of the rock, distinguished children are in the economy (more later). These children connect themselves with virtual headphones and flood them Christians against Indians 2. One of the printers about getting a sheep: a straightened cord with the rope with endless openings to explore it. Some have complete cabinets full of things.

I remember that the sheep should not be itching, but because they receive something about the strangeness Dengue. Everything is very fat. The heads are divided, the claws of drowning, husbands become out – the book is riots of physical sensations. One can call the book “Climate Fantasy”, because it is clearly in a world in the cycle of death for the climate disaster, but this would raise the strangeness of the full novel, which transcends the economy, gender, biology, and time without ever, the breathing drawing.

Any novel in which the protagonist finds themselves in the body of insects that draws the inevitable comparison to Transformation. Describes the flap of the inner book Dengue As “an extraordinary image, Cavakaksk for a narcotic future.” But in Kafka’s novel, Gregor Samsa wakes up to find himself turning into a brutal mistake; His huge pain comes from his knowledge of what he was before and the life he wants to crawl.

Dengue fever has always been dengue fever. He has no transformation that must be reconciled with. It is the outside world that he should know. “His mother wanted to see the arms of Bodji, his wings came out, and her nervous ends such as varicose veins for a disgusting old man, and where his mother wanted to hear a muffled laugh and bustle, there was nothing but fixed, fixed, Madnding Buzz who would pay more The quiet spirit to despair.

in TransformationGregor Samsa’s transformation is a street in one direction. But dengue fever will go through a whirlwind of changes, such as the development that works quickly forward, so that it is not exactly clear where the time, truth or imagination begins.

in Dengue The category of billionaires are not technical, but speculators are called the so -called economy, who are betting on the disease about to take off and then photograph a potential killing treatment. Along with the developers who build resorts on the ground, they were waived by the decline in ice caps, they are the only real winners in the disaster economy. It takes a certain type of people to display the landscape that was destroyed and see an opportunity for luxury apartments.

All this looks somewhat frustrating, except for the surreal visceral prose in NIEVA – which was transferred from Spanish by Rahul Bery – is nothing but something. This is a book that takes the terrible strangeness in the world and explodes in something terrible and it is impossible to look at it. He reminded me of the last scene of the film PearlWhere Mia Goth faces the camera with a Rictus smile that continues and continues, until you cry, slowly It collapses in depression From deep despair, while ending credits play.

Dengue This trick plays in the opposite direction. It is bleak turns into a smile. It is a camera shot that revolves around it several times that you are not sure whether it is the director or actor you look at, and in any case you feel uncomfortable or are you just exciting with excitement?

It is strange, cut, falls into a spinner salad, and is served with some players who are not described on top. It is delicious, if you can do so.

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