Current Affairs

Deputy Hakeem Jeffries was asked about a half-out question on MSNBC, which led to “embarrassing silence”-Twchy

Anyone who follows politics for any great time period knows that there is “going to” transfer the politician in his back pocket only if they get an uncomfortable question that they do not want to answer. This step is the sound/vocal videos with the interviewer.

Michigan Governor Gretchen had an example of a textbook for this year after he asked Hunter Biden:

Another event from “Connection Connection” yesterday on MSNBC.

The leader of the minority in the House of Representatives obtained Hakeem Jeffrols, a question that appears to be not ready for him and guess what happened after that:

It was good for “Morning Joe” to intervene and save Jeffries from another few seconds of embarrassment.

Is it not funny how people who never lose words are confused about words?


Perhaps the heart was a symbol of “adherence to the text!”

Where was Jamal Bowman when Jeffrez really needed him?

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