Technology & Innovation


The original digiton It is one of my favorite materials at all. For some, it may be launched as part of a background courtesy because, well, the digiton is not just an exact. It is a powerful multilateral toddler with one of the most diverse series in the market. For me, it can feel its four paths and eight voices of polyphony. In addition, it is not the best in drums. This led me to adhere to the position on a holder, as it is treated like the desktop controlled by the MIDI keyboard.

Digitone II, at least on paper, seems to solve some of these problems. She now has 16 votes on 16 tracks, in addition to that there are three completely new engines that expand her audio board, including one completely intended for rhythm. This is all in addition to the same types of sequences, modification and candidate that we have already seen on Digitakt II (8/10, recommends wire), but just like his sample brother, Digitone II received a large price to rise to $ 999. As the original is now progressing for up to 350 dollars in the used market, the choice between the two is not necessarily cut and dry.

Photo: Tyrence Operation

This is the new voice

Before anyone panic, the four FM engine of the original Digitone is still here. Although I saw some people suggest that it does not seem exactly as it is and that the origin has more stroke and personal, I think these people are cheering. I have downloaded many pre -settings designed for the original Digitone II, and I can’t know the difference between them. It should be noted that, unfortunately, you cannot download Digitone II settings on the original Digitone, even if they are using the original FM sound engine. There seem to be some technical differences between them under the cover, but at least in my ears, it does not seem to affect the sound.

Closeup from the small digital screen of the Elektron Digitone II file, rectangular, rectangular sound that appears ...

Photo: Tyrence Operation

Other three water engines are the place where Digitone II is separated from the original. In addition to the original FM engine (called FM Tone in the new model), there is a FM drum, which adjusts the original sound engine to suit the rhythm. Waveetone is slightly lower than the glass and gets similar sounds to what you will find in distorting the phase and portable combinations. Sure, it’s definitely, but not as harsh like FM. Then there is Swarmer, which gives you great thick sounds for the shows and organs by stipulating six separate volatile on its main head. Many of my favorite preconceptions are used in the Waveetone machine, which can be convincingly repeated Electro and classic Krautrock.

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