Life Style & Wellness

Flies in hospital wings may spread the drug -resistant bacteria for patients Global Development

Flies between the family may spread insects resistant to drugs among patients in hospitals, according to the new research.

Researchers from Inos Oxford Institute for Microbial Research (IOI) I found that homes in Nigerian hospitals carry bacteria resistant to some major antibiotics, including those used only as a last resort.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), when pathogenic causes such as bacteria and viruses develop drugs used in their treatment, is a global threat that is expected to kill more than 39 million people before 2050. Inflammation Patients picked up while they are in the hospital for other treatments are also an increased concern.

IOI scientists worked with Nigeria researchers to collect 1,396 fly from eight hospitals in six cities, using sticky traps.

The tests revealed that the flies were carrying 17 different types of bacteria, including the staphylococcus, a common cause of the infection acquired in the hospital. It was a large percentage of bacteria, which were taken by genes associated with antimicrobial resistance.

The nature of the study means that it cannot prove that flies were spreading bacteria, but Dr. Citma Ashi, bullets and the co -author of paperHe said it was a “very worrying” indicator.

The results showed that flies “can be heading to resist antimicrobials” in hospitals in low and medium -income countries, where “abundant”.

Ashi said: “Coprophagic – eating stools, eating fertilizer. Those who suffer from an infection passed in stools, the flies take them and can sit on the surfaces of the hospital or even on food, on the environments that people touch – so that this is a factor [in the spread of infection]”

“The results indicate that the flies circulating in hospital wings can pose a threat to patients exposed to infection during their stay, especially as patients usually fly.”

Nigeria ranked 20 out of 204 countries For Amr death rates, with 263,400 deaths associated with AMR in 2019.

The paper, published in the International Environment Journal, is based on the team Previous research At Pakistan Hospital. This study found ants, spiders, flies and cockroaches that carry drug -resistant bacteria, and the links between these bacteria and those in surgical infections of the patients.

Ashi said that the research showed the importance of looking at the relationship between human and animal environments in order to address the AMR problem.

The team plans for more research to see if insect control methods, such as window screens and bed networks, can reduce AMR rates in hospitals. The Nigerian study also works as a pilot to study the largest multi -country on insects and AMR in hospitals.

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