Current Affairs

Guardian ‘Journalist’ Wonders If Trump’s Gender Order Means He’s the First Female President – Twitchy

Back in November, British Rag Guardian She decided to blow on X because Donald Trump won the election. We celebrated by bringing you a thread of the most outrageous and hilarious things Guardian Addresses.

Now we have to add one more to the pile:

This is a real address. In a true story.

A story written by a person and approved by an editor.

As this writer told you here, this leftist argument — that Trump’s executive order on sex means we’re all female now — is scientifically illiterate and, in a word, stupid.

Our genetics are determined in pregnancy. The fetus with the Y chromosome will be a girl, and the one with the X chromosome will be a boy. Just because male characteristics do not appear until later in development does not mean that the fetus is female.

that it.

This is what this journalist wrote (presumably with a straight face):

Is it the moment we’ve all been waiting for? After Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris failed to break the biggest glass ceiling, has a woman finally ascended to the highest office in America? Legally speaking, is Donald J. Trump the first female president?

There was a flurry of comments this week, suggesting that by the Trump administration’s definition, this may be the case. On Monday, you see, Trump began his second term by signing a barrage of executive orders, including one stating that sex begins at the moment of conception — at this point, Trumpan science decrees, you’re female or male and that’s it.

“Female” means a person who, at conception, belongs to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell, “ The request reads. “Male” means a person who, at conception, belongs to the sex that produces the young reproductive cell. “



But this writer is going to save this article for the day a woman is elected, and then she’s going to drop it on her.

They are intentionally stupid. Especially when it comes to Trump.

It’s neither legitimate nor smart.


What a load of rubbish.

That would be hilarious.

Both horrific and not at all horrific.

You can’t die fast enough.

please. Please do it, Trump.

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