Guardian ‘Journalist’ Wonders If Trump’s Gender Order Means He’s the First Female President – Twitchy
Back in November, British Rag Guardian She decided to blow on X because Donald Trump won the election. We celebrated by bringing you a thread of the most outrageous and hilarious things Guardian Addresses.
Now we have to add one more to the pile:
Do I need to write a full response to this crazy nonsense?
– Colin Wright (@wswipewright) January 25, 2025
This is a real address. In a true story.
A story written by a person and approved by an editor.
As this writer told you here, this leftist argument — that Trump’s executive order on sex means we’re all female now — is scientifically illiterate and, in a word, stupid.
Our genetics are determined in pregnancy. The fetus with the Y chromosome will be a girl, and the one with the X chromosome will be a boy. Just because male characteristics do not appear until later in development does not mean that the fetus is female.
😂😭 StopPPP. This is not a real address
– Dr. Sydney Watson (@sydneylwatson) January 25, 2025
that it.
This is what this journalist wrote (presumably with a straight face):
Is it the moment we’ve all been waiting for? After Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris failed to break the biggest glass ceiling, has a woman finally ascended to the highest office in America? Legally speaking, is Donald J. Trump the first female president?
There was a flurry of comments this week, suggesting that by the Trump administration’s definition, this may be the case. On Monday, you see, Trump began his second term by signing a barrage of executive orders, including one stating that sex begins at the moment of conception — at this point, Trumpan science decrees, you’re female or male and that’s it.
“Female” means a person who, at conception, belongs to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell, “ The request reads. “Male” means a person who, at conception, belongs to the sex that produces the young reproductive cell. “
But this writer is going to save this article for the day a woman is elected, and then she’s going to drop it on her.
This executive order was nothing but vague and confusing in that it used very precise language that was precise regarding males and females.
It’s as if leftists have a hard time understanding anything 8th grade.
– $8 Bartemys January 25, 2025
They are intentionally stupid. Especially when it comes to Trump.
This is everywhere on Facebook, btw. I’ve seen this “Congratulations, you’re all female” about a million times there now. They think this is a very legit and clever GOTCHA.
– John Stokes (@jonst0kes) January 25, 2025
It’s neither legitimate nor smart.
This paragraph gave me brain damage:
– NC Optimist (nc_optimist) January 25, 2025
What a load of rubbish.
Trump should declare himself a woman and the first female president just so we can watch it all melt away 🤩
– Kevina Gafa 🇺🇸 (@Kevinafaga) January 25, 2025
That would be hilarious.
Shocking how the actual media organization chose to print this.
– Kayr (kellyring) January 25, 2025
Both horrific and not at all horrific.
This is why old media is dying. She is infected with absolute idiots. The industry can’t die fast enough
– JustakidFromLBC (justakidfromlbc) January 25, 2025
You can’t die fast enough.
This is why old media is dying. She is infected with absolute idiots. The industry can’t die fast enough
– JustakidFromLBC (justakidfromlbc) January 25, 2025
please. Please do it, Trump.