
“Hollywood” says, “Hollywood”, “Hollywood”.

Andy Tenant, Director of Romantic Comedy for the year 2005 obstacleHe said that Will Smith is developing a complement to the film, but he did not include it.

In a new interview, Tennant revealed that he had an idea of ​​a complement to the successful comedy, and recently discovered that Smith was working in a follow -up movie.

“I made a proposal for a complement, which was very enjoyable, but I think Will was evolving a obstacle Tinant said in an interview with Business Insider. “I discovered this three months ago. I had a really good idea of ​​a complement, and I was talking to a Sony executive, and said that the production company at Will was developing a supplement. Hey, this is Hollywood.”

“He has nothing against the will,” Tinant said, adding, “He rented me to make this movie. It was not easy for anyone, but we went all over the world with the movie … and when it ended, my time ended with Will. This was. It is. I have not heard of it since then.

In 2014, the deadline stated that Fox was developing a half -hour series on the basis obstacle With Smith and James Lacter Entertainment Overbroook behind the project. Deborah Kaplan and Harry Elton have been attached to writing the adaptive chain, which is a comedy in the workplace that explores dating and sexual policy.

Tennant detailed in the same interview with the many “difficulties” that I face obstacle With Smith.

“We have faced our difficulties. The movie I wanted to make and will want the movie to make no one of these films well like the movie that we made together.” Business Insider. It was a battle. [Smith’s wife] Seriously [Pinkett Smith] It was a great help. It is a type of loan some of my mud instincts. There was a time during preparatory when I was retreating. Many of the crashes that were happening. “

obstacle It is a romantic comedy in 2005, starring Will Smith as “Date Doctor” who are training men in WOONG Women. The film also starred in Eva Mendes, Kevin James, Amber Valeta, Michael Rapirt, and Adam Arkin.

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