Technology & Innovation

How do we maintain the tabs on Dog

Leah Fegar: Many were. definitely.

Katie Dramond: It was many, so my answer was, this would go through the court and this will lead to the completion of the legal system, and it will be slow, chaotic and painful protection is our democracy and these checks and balances. This is a kind of last position, right?

Leah Fegar: definitely.

Katie Dramond: The courts are the last position in terms of our democracy and constitutional integrity. What we are looking at now is the possibility of not withstanding. How will that start even if that comes? I know that you are not a legal expert in addition to the Wire Political Editor, but what have you heard? What did experts tell you during your report?

Leah Fegar: There are many people who say, “Look, this reservation will come. Musk and Trump will appeal to them, after which this will end in the Supreme Court.” Many people actually take condolences with this. They say: “Yes, the court may tend to be completely ideological, but these are trained professionals who understand that these legal systems must be supported and adhered to.” I am not sure of that.

Katie Dramond: right.

Leah Fegar: I will be completely honest. Regarding what is happening after that, I think that, due to some aspects, the slow march of these court systems, although the decisions, and even temporary decisions were decreased very quickly, there is a lot of space to move quickly and break things from Dog at the same time .

Katie Dramond: Yes.

Leah Fegar: Many of these eggs cannot be unwanted. Many of these hairstyles, shooting and mortgage … It will be really difficult to walk in the return of these once the court can finally, “No, no, this cannot carry it.” This –

Katie Dramond: If they can say it at all.

Leah Fegar: If they can say it at all.

Katie Dramond: right.

Leah Fegar: We hear this anxiety from experts in all areas now. We haven’t seen anything like this before.

Katie Dramond: We definitely did not. Not here in the United States. no.

Leah Fegar: Not here in the United States.

Katie Dramond: Well, in the meantime, we adhere to our breath. We continue to do work, and we will continue to deliver all of you, wireless listeners, wireless readers, and our reports, and what we know as we know. This is our commitment to you. You can read all the reports of Lea and her team at Leah, thank you very much for spending time for being here with me. I know how busy you are.

Leah Fegar: Thank you very much. I would like to talk about government acquisitions with you, Katie.

Katie Dramond: Well, go now to get a granola bar from my office.

Leah Fegar: It is about to go one theft immediately.

Katie Dramond: This is our offer for today. Tomorrow we will return with a loop of our regular round table, everything about the state of dating applications, and a little bit of the worrying meter programming for you all. If you like what you heard today, be sure to follow up Wadi Gharib Its evaluation on your favorite PodCAST app. If you want to communicate with any of us for questions or comments or display suggestions, write to us on Ammar Lal at Macro Sound mixed this episode, with engineering support from Jake Lummus. Jordan Bell is our executive product. Condé Nast’s Global Audio is Chris Bannon, and I am Katie Dramond, Wire International Editor -in -Chief. Thank you very much. Farewell.

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