How to make Cassolite – recipe French food and drink
forEINING FRINCH, this is the coffee of the legumes rich in the “sensory monument for rural traditions”, instead of landing, such as Buding and Rampna, to the faded rejectionist category of “comfortable food”. In fact, however, they are both: huge and delicious euphoria. This classic dish does not claim that he does not claim to be the true sacrifice, Castelnaudary or Toulouse Cassoulet, but it is worth your time.
soak 8 hours+
Preparatory 15 minutes
Cook 4 hours 15 minutes
Serving 6-8
800 grams of dry Harikot beans
1 onionsPeel and half
1 garlic headThe entire left and unintended, in addition to 4 peeled garlic cloves, almost cut
2 fresh thyme branch
1 pair bye
1 kg of bone pork in the pigOr lamb breast
2 duck legsIn addition to fat
4 Garlicy Toulouse
Salt and black pepper
300 ml white wine
120 grams of dried bread crumbs
1 soak dried beans
Haricot is favorite here, and you can get some beautiful French heritage varieties via the Internet, but if you do not put the beans in a large oven -resistant bowl, cover with cold water and soak for at least eight hours; I am afraid that this is one recipe, as the canned shortcuts do not reduce mustard.
2 note on meat
If you do not eat pork, you will be replaced by the chest of the lamb for the stomach of pork and sausage as necessary; Ideally, though, use something relatively fat and moderately seasoned (there is fast -looking Vegetable recipe On the Gourmet Magazine site that you can add meat -free sausage, for example). Both Toulouse and Confit Duck are found in large supermarkets, DELIS and Online; The Peps farm sells Contef duck free term.
3 cooking beans and soaked meat
Drain the soaked beans and return them to the bowl. Pour in cold water to cover about 3 cm, then add half onions, garlic head, herbs and pork abdomen. Boil boiling (you may need to remove some water, but clarify it while cooking). Cover and cook over low heat for about two hours, until the beans are soft.
4 fry the duck and sausage
Meanwhile, some fats dissolve from the duck in a skillet over a high medium heat, then fry the duck and sausage separately until the skin of the ducks becomes clear and both golden everywhere.
Transfer the duck and sausage to a plate and put the pan and the rest of the duck fat, both of which will be used to make the top at a later time. Once cooled, cut the sausage into large pieces and strip the generous pieces of meat from the feet of the ducks.
5 drain the beans
Once cook the beans, but still fixed and carry its shape, take out the stomach of pork and cut it into the pieces of the bite; Ignore any bones, as well as hemore onions and herbs, but not garlic.
Drained beans in a heat -resistant bowl, keep the liquid separately; Maintaining the bowl in which they are shameful.
6 Garlic and fat of fat
Press the garlic cloves cooked from their skins and in a bowl, add four tablespoons of fat in the seized ducks and the remaining four garlic cloves, and escape to a dough.
Heat the oven to 160 ° C (a fan 140 ° C)/325 F/GAS 3 (you can cook this on low heat on the stove, if you prefer it, but it would be better to take care of the oven).
7 Casolite Building
Run the base base with a little fat fat mix in Garlicy, then raise it in beans and meat and each tablespoon of the remaining duck fat mix, as well as any gel from the Confit jar or tin.
With a light season and mix it well, then pour into the seized cooking and wine liquid; If there is not enough liquid to cover the beans, agree with a little water.
8 tops with bread crumbs, then baking
Bake crumbs briefly fry in a tablespoon of duck fat, only for a thin layer cover over the top of the cassolit (not all of them).
Baking was detected for about two hours, while keeping an eye ocean on the bowl: as soon as the crust is formed, stir this in the beans mixture, from the top with more fried bread crumbs, and bake until you end up with a golden thick.
9 cools a little, then serve
Leave to cool to heat before serving, preferably followed by a green salad (or even, despite the lack of traditional, along with). Note that you can make Cassoulet two days before the specified date and re -heat it in a low oven, and the liquid is released, if necessary. It also freezes well, so it is worth making in this quantity, even if you offer fewer people.