Business & Economy

“It will be just another airline”: South West Riles bag fees on social media

Bags fly for free? Not for you!

The southwestern airline companies abandon their long policy of not imposing the luggage that were examined, although they were built contracts from the brand identity and loyalty to these offers at reasonable prices.

The company on Tuesday A plan announced “To pay the growth of revenue and reward its most loyal customers” with free bags examined. Members who prefer in the fast rewards list and those who pay the chosen business seats can check for two free bags, and the A-List members alongside other chosen customers, for each person. Associated Press – One era will be allowed to examine.

Robert Jordan, CEO of South West, was martyred, the value of shareholders and the growth of revenue as reasons for change. “We have a tremendous opportunity to meet the current and future customer needs, attract new clients sectors that we do not compete today, and return to the profitable levels that we and our shareholders expect,” Jordan said in a statement.

Policy change was received with an overwhelming rejection of social media. One user, Shannjann on X, Tweet A laughing picture with the explanatory name “Southwest said” oh will break ??? We also! “.

Others said that the southwest threw the largest incentive to fly with them.

“It is interesting to see companies intentionally destroy customer loyalty without a real reason.” Tweet. “The southwest was known for reasonable and open sitting, and the free bags that were examined. Now they get rid of all of this and they will become another airline.”

“If SouthWest Airlines collected a concentration set and asked her,” What is the stupidest thing we can do to destroy our company, “that’s what they would have reached.” books.

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