
Karl Sofía Gascón collapses in an interview with CNN for an unauthorized hour

Besieged Emilia Perez Oscar Carla Sophia Jaskoun appeared in an interview with Espanyol for one hour, in which she collapsed with tears and retreated at various points from her racist and terrorist twist that appeared.

Initially, many points were repeated in her Instagram apology that was published yesterday, Gascón repeated that she was “not racist” and offered her “the most sincere apologies to all people who may have felt insulting the way I express in my past, in my past, in my present and in my future” .

She later continued: “I think I was judged, I was convicted, sacrificed, crucified and stoned without trial and without an option to defend myself.”

The deadline confirmed that Netflix did not participate in preparing an CNN interview and was not aware that it was happening.

In an interview, she jumped largely on the topics, with an interview with Juan Carlos Archinigas, who is often unable to obtain a word, Jaskoun discussed her “wonderful daughter”, who she said she taught her “important values” and added that she relates to black conflicts.

“I feel sympathetic to people who were thrown from buses for their skin tone, with people who do not want them to study at the university, for people who simply hated present, like how I hate at this moment, she said.

Gascón sometimes collapsed in crying, citing a relationship with a wonderful woman from a Muslim who taught her with respect and perhaps better than she was in the past. “She later said she was” 100 % “supported by her at this moment.

At another stage, Jaskoun raised her brother who died when she was twenty that humans were unfortunate but something I have incredible hope. “

She continued that she has always received hatred, for example to wear earrings or skirt, and she was previously named from gay control for being across. In addition, she said she faced hatred from some people in Mexico for being a Spanish, claiming that they called her “a Spanish woman who came again to steal them from gold.”

Later, Gascón referred to the Madrid Train 2004 bombings, which she had left, “I affected me to see two days before some people prayed on the train who were very similar to the people who later carried out these attacks.”

She also said: “I did not stop receiving hatred, death threats, insults and violations. I saw no one who came out, in any media, any space, any place, raising his hands for me and saying,“ Hey, what happens with this person who flies? ”And no one No one lifted one finger for change.

When she was asked about her tweet that George Floyd, who was killed by the police in 2020, considered a “drug addict and a owner”, Jaskoun replied that she had implemented a post and social media treated as “unfortunately more like notes” full of “repercussions rather than something that can To affect someone, because before I was here my message was presented by three people. “

The actress, who made history as the first passing woman publicly for the best actress at the Academy Awards ceremony, said that she relies heavily on “ridicule and ridicule and sometimes exaggeration and of course I used a resource to speak in a third person, if he wrote what she wrote by a person who thinks in a negative way “Gascón added that it is” clearly “in support of the Black Lives Matter, and claims to have written a tweet to refer to the comment of other racists.

Gascón admitted that her tweets about the Oscar 93 Awards ceremony, which Daniel Caloya and Johanj Young Fawzan considered it an indication of the “Korean Afro Festival”, as “time” and “certainly deserve these awards for all of them for work and not for those who are.”

Then Arciniegas asked Gascón to address a tweet she wrote, “This is the same as always:” Black slaves and women in the kitchen. “But this is my opinion and must be respected. I do not understand much of the World War against Hitler, it was simply his opinion on the Jews. The end, so the world goes. ” In response, Jaskoun said that she was using “a third person, as if I were a bi -bi -bosom.”

Gascón added that with her tweets about Floyd, Muslims and Hitler, “This seems to be a terrible person and evil, when I intend to exactly the opposite.”

At another stage, Gascón also exposed a skirt tweet that seemed to have called the participating star Selena Gomez “Rich Mouse” as fabricated, and that she “did not say anything about my colleague.”

“I said, well, but what did I do in my life? If it had committed a “crime”.

Gascón has criticized his position in three to four years of work “like madness” Emilia Perez Just defend herself against those who try to make sure that she is “no longer there, not even I don’t win.” She said that regardless of “tolerance” of those who see bad actors “they have nothing in this world” and they choose to come after that instead.

She added: “If they want to withdraw any nomination, if they want to withdraw the brand that supports me, or whatever, I ask them to do so with a fair trial in that it gives me the opportunity to defend myself.”

When I was asked what Netflix or GASCón participated with her, the actress said she met her once and she could not say much because they will meet soon to discuss more. She added that she told Netflix from the start that she did not know why she had to launch a prize campaign, because she confirmed that those who loved her performance would see her and vote on her and all she could do is contribute to her work.

Gascón added that she does not have “anything that you hide” and “a clean conscience”, saying: “If the whole world believes I am bad for the person I must return to my house, then I will go home my family and cat and with the people who love me and I will continue my life as I did so from before , [where] I never lacked a plate of soup because I made it frankly without harming anyone in this world. “

When I was asked if she believed that “PRIDE played a role in everything,” Gascón replied: “When you come from a place where you should defend yourself constantly … it is really ugly to get used to receiving violence, and be able to conflict and live in A world where you are constantly threatened with death, sometimes, you have to raise yourself on top of it so that you do not drown you. All the things that happened to me.

Gascón concluded the interview by apologizing to her daughter for having to deal with the ongoing controversy instead of celebrating, and added that she realizes that her words “will be distributed when [others] Like or desire. This is clear, and they will extract any conclusions that everyone wants to draw, but as I told you before, I am only responsible for what my heart feels. “

Watch the interview, in Spanish, below:


Independent culture writer Sarah Haji revealed for the first time in the tweets that Gascón launched since Thursday. Before the above interview and its post on Instagram yesterday, Gascón issued a statement via Netflix, in which she said: “I want to acknowledge the conversation about my previous social media posts that caused harm. As a person in a marginalized society, I know this suffering is very good and I am very sorry For those who caused pain.

The co -star Zoe Saldana also commented on this, saying: “This makes me really sad because I do not support and I have no tolerance with any negative speech towards people from any group. I can only testify to the experience I had with everyone was part of this The film, and my experience and interaction with them about inclusiveness, cooperation, ethnic, cultural and sexual arrows.

The controversy is the latest in the movie: Auteur Jacques Audiard was under fire for the sake Description of the Spanish language as “poor and immigrants” And the lack of research in Mexican history before making the movie, about the Mexican Cartel President aims to retire and submit to the transition. The film – which leads the package with 13 Oscars – while my beloved of critics and awards alike, is not very popular in Mexico, where he is Examination on empty theaters I even pushed a short film to simulate a sarcastic entitled entitled Johan Sacriplo, She was described as “a French -made movie made completely without a French crew or crew.”

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