Business & Economy

“Looking to promise your campaign”: an angry message from Democrats to Trump due to the high food costs

Democratic lawmakers, Donald Trump, accuse his failure to act on his frequent promise to reduce grocery prices on his first day in office. The lawmakers, including Senator Elizabeth Warren and 20 Democrats of Congress, disappointed in a message signed last Sunday.

“We write to ask about your management plan to reduce the prices of food for American families. In the first days of your new presidency, the Americans face eggs, amid bird flu, and prices are still high in the grocery store,” letterWhich was obtained for the first time NBC NewsRead. “During your campaign, I promised repeatedly to reduce food prices” immediately “if the president is elected.”

Once again in August, Trump pledge “To reduce prices immediately, starting from the first day,” a promise continued to work throughout his campaign. The president also said to increase local oil production (“We will dig, a child, dug”, as he said in the hope of making food more expensive for the Americans.

In an interview with NBC News’ Kristen WelkerTrump described his battle to reduce food costs: “A very simple word, grocery stores … when you buy apples, when you buy bacon, when you buy eggs, it will double and double the price over a short period of time, and win the elections on the basis. By reducing these prices.

“I look forward to making our country great. I look forward to getting prices.”

Now, more than a week after his inauguration, Trump has not yet fulfilled this promise. The Fast-Field-Portmanteau continues from “fast food” and “inflation”-in enhancing chaos because fast food chains offer offers of completely new value to beat customers who are financially realized. Egg prices are also ongoing at all due to the outbreak of the continuous bird flu that kills chicken worldwide. The same with meat prices, which were affected by severe environmental conditions and natural disasters.

In their recent message to Trump, the Democrats attacked the president to focus on wrong issues in the first week of his term.

They said: “But during the first week of your office, I instead focused on mass deportations and pardoning the attackers on January 6, including those who assaulted the Capitol police officers.” “Your only cost of cost was an executive that only includes more male food prices, not a single specific policy to reduce it.

“To make food more affordable, you should look to the dominant food and groceries companies that have achieved record profits on the emergence of working families who had to pay higher prices. The message added that these companies often take advantage of crises such as epidemics and the spread of bird influenza as an opportunity to raise prices to what is Required to cover height costs.

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Democratic lawmakers urged Trump to “fulfill your campaign promise to reduce food prices for American families. Therefore, we ask you to respond to this message additional clearly to your plans to reduce food prices.”

In response, the Trump administration said that the president has already taken necessary steps to reduce food prices at the country level.

“President Trump immediately took a measure on the first day to unleash American energy, which will reduce the costs of families across the country,” Anna Kelly, a member of the White House journalist, said in a statement in NBC news. “It has already ended the failed economic policies over the past four years that has increased inflation, which was sealed by Elizabeth Warren.”

The full list of Democrats who signed the message as follows: Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Cory Boker (NJ) and Ron Wyden (Ore.) And Reps. Jim McGOVERN (Mass.), Ro khaanna (Calif.), Hank Johnson (Georgia), Seth Molton (Massachusetts), Sheila Shervilus-Mumorkk (Florida), Chile Bingri (Min), Rosa Deloro (Kun), Greg Kassar (Texas (Texas , Chris Delosio (Pennsylvania) Ansari (Ariz. , Steve Cohen (Tenn.), Gabe Amo (RI) and DEL. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC).

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