Technology & Innovation

Meta wants to solve the observations of a community -based community

Chris Vallas

Senior Technology Correspondents

Getty Images Mitta Mark ZuckerbergGetty pictures

Mitta Mark Zuckerberg

While the fire invaded large parts of Los Angeles this month, as did the false news.

She promoted leaflets on social media for brutal conspiracies about the fire, as users shared misleading videos and erred in defining innocents as thieves.

You highlighted the question that the social media era afflicted: What is the best way to contain and correct the sparks of potential misleading information?

It is a controversy that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Mita, was at his position.

Soon after the riots in the Capitol on January 6, 2021, which were fueled by false allegations of forged American presidential elections, Zuckerberg gave his testimony to Congress. The billionaire boasted about the “Pioneering Facts Verification Program” for the company Meta.

He pointed out that she attracted 80 “independent facts of the facts” to reduce the wrong information on Facebook and Instagram.

After four years, This system is no longer something worth boasting about.

“The factors were very political biased and destroyed more confidence than they created, especially in the United States.” Zuckerberg said earlier in January.

He said that taking their place will be something completely different: a system inspired by X’s.Community notes“, Where users are not accurately experts.

Many experts and facts have questioned the motives of Zuckerberg.

“It is clear that Mark Zuckerberg was subject to the upcoming administration and Eileon Musk,” Alexius Mantzarles, Director of the Security and Safety and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech University told BBC.

Mantzarles also strongly criticizes the decision to exclude the facts.

But like many experts, it also indicates another point that may be lost in the storm of criticism that Meta faces: that systems that depend on the style of societal notes, in principle, can be part of the solution to misleading information.


The adoption of the fact-check-up system from an ELON-MUSK platform has always been controversial. The world’s richest man is accused regularly using his X account to inflate the wrong information and conspiracy theories.

But the regime precedes its ownership.

“Birdwatch”, as she was known at the time, began in 2021 and was inspired by Wikipedia, which volunteers are written and freed.

Meta CEO Meta CEO Meta announces changes in verification of factsDeath screen shot

Mark Zuckerberg announced the changes in a video on the Internet

Like Wikipedia, society’s observations depend on unparalleled contributors to correcting wrong information.

The shareholders evaluate the corrective notes within the wrong or misleading posts, and over time, some users acquire the ability to write them. According to the platform, the number of this group of shareholders is now approximately one million.

Mantzarles – who himself has managed a project to verify the facts “depends on the masses” – says that this type of system is likely to allow platforms “to obtain more facts and more contributions,” says Mantzarles – who has a project to verify the facts “depends on the masses” – that this type of system is likely to allow platforms “to obtain more facts and more contributions, and more contributions, faster.

One of the main attractions of the systems that adopts the method of societal notes is its ability to expand: with the growth of the basic system user base, the group of volunteer shareholders also grows (if you can persuade them to participate).

According to X, community notes produce hundreds of facts checks daily.

On the contrary, Facebook fact experts may be able to manage less than 10 messages per day, and an article suggested by a pen. Jonathan Stray from the California University Center in Berkeley for AI is compatible with human and journalist Yves Snyder.

And one The study suggests Community notes can provide good scrutiny of the facts: 205 analysis of Kofid found that 98% of them were accurate.

The observation attached to a misleading publication can also reduce organically from the spread of the virus by more than half, as X confirms, and Research indicates It also increases the opportunity for the original publisher to delete the tweet by 80%.

Keith Coleman, who oversees society’s observations, told X that Meta is turning into a more capable program to verify the facts.

“The notes of society are already covering a much wider range than the content compared to previous systems,” he told me.

He said, “I am rarely mentioned. I see stories that say” dead ending the fact -verification program. “

“But I believe that the real story is that” dead replaces the current fact -verification program with a approach that can be expanded to cover more content, respond faster, and reliable through the political spectrum. “

Check the facts of the facts

But of course, Zuckerberg simply did not say that society’s notes are a better system, but rather criticized the facts, and accused them of “bias.”

By doing this, he was repeating a firm belief among American conservatives that major technology companies impose control over their opinions.

Others believe that verification of facts will inevitably lead to the imposition of control of controversial opinions.

Celki Carlo, Director of the British Civil Liberties Group Big Brother Watch – who managed a campaign against alleged censorship David Davis, deputy By YouTube – he told the BBC in allegations of the bias of major technology companies came from the various colors of the political spectrum.

“Central verification of facts through platforms risk” strangling valuable reports on controversial content “, and also leads to users wrongly believed that all the publications they read are” the audited truth. “

But Baybars Ursk, the administrative director of Logically Facts, which provides fact -verification services to Meta in the United Kingdom, says that professional facts auditors can target the most dangerous information and Determine the emerging “harmful novels”.

He wrote that the systems driven by society lacks “consistency, objectivity and experience” to address the most harmful wrong information.

Professional factors, many experts and researchers, He strongly opposes bias. Some argue that the facts of the facts simply lost the confidence of many conservatives.

The confidence that Mr. Mantzarles is deliberately undermined.

He said: “The factors of the facts began to become arbitrators of the truth in a fundamental way that disturbed the party with political motives and the people in power, and suddenly, they launched armed attacks.”

Trust in the algorithm

The solution that X uses in an attempt to maintain the confidence of society’s observations across the political spectrum is to remove an essential part of the process from the hands of humans, and to rely on the algorithm.

The algorithm is used to determine the notes that will be shown, as well as to ensure that they are useful by a group of users.

In very simple phrases, according to X, the “Bridge” algorithm chooses these proposed notes that have been evaluated as beneficial by volunteers who usually differ with each other.

The result, as you say, is that banknotes are viewed positively through the political spectrum. This was confirmed, according to X, through regular internal tests. Some independent research It also supports this opinion.

Meta says She notes her community system The agreement between people with a set of views to help prevent biased assessments will require “just as they do in X”.

But this wide acceptable acceptance represents a highly accessible goal.

Research indicates that more than 90% of the proposed society’s notes are never used.

This means that accurate notes may not be used.

But according to X, displaying more notes would undermine the goal of showing notes that most users will find only useful, and this would reduce confidence in the system.

“More bad things”

Even after the disappearance of the facts of the facts, Meta will continue to employ thousands of supervisors who remove millions of parts of content every day, such as video violence and children’s sexual exploitation materials, which violate the podium rules.

But Mita works to alleviate its rules on some exciting issues of political dispute, such as gender and immigration.

Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the changes, which were aimed at reducing the risk of censorship, meant this “We will pick up less things.”.

Some experts believe that this was the most disturbing aspect of a dead advertisement.

The co -chair of the Meta Control Council told the BBC There were “big problems” With what Mr. Zuckerberg did.

So what happens from here?

Details of the new Meta plans to process misleading information are rare. In principle, some experts believe that societal observation systems can be useful – but many also feel that they should not be an alternative to fact -facts.

Society’s notes are “mainly a legitimate approach”, He writes Professor Tom Stafford of Sheffield University, but the platforms still need professional factors for facts, as well, Believe.

“Use of external sources can be a useful element in [an] A system for overseeing information, but it should not be the only element. ”

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