
Mother’s joint and daughter become

In the context of the project, as Barbara is old, Wywrot photos became more collaborative and more spiritual, with the mother and daughter mobilizing, and the viewer moves together. Wywrot told me that when her creative energy collides with Barbara, she “will take care of” and go to her camera. One of the last pictures in the book, a dual self -image in the mirror, is the only image that shows Barbara and Wywrot straight on the viewer. Barbara’s expression is the challenge. Her arms were crossed. Wywrot holds the camera, her look is neutral. When the mother and her daughter asked about the photo over the phone, they were given for a while in the Polish. They were visiting my father and revolutionary in America, and they just entered with them. “We went to our room, closed ourselves in the bathroom, and took this picture,” said Barbara.

The legs with tight dress tending to the window.

Last March, Barbara, 22, moved to her own apartment in Krakow, a ten -minute bike from her mother. This chapter has ended from “Besta”. “Oh, it was very difficult, but it was necessary. I’m proud of her. I’m happy because she is very talented and very smart, she is beautiful.” “I am sure that she was more painful for my mother than me. This is how motherhood works,” Barbara added. “I think,” Barbara added.

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