Omega-3 supplements appear to slow biological aging
Omega -3 supplements can be a simple way to slow aging
Evgeniia Siiankovskaia/Getty Images
It seems that the daily omega -3 supplement slows the biological aging in the elderly, especially if it is with vitamin D and exercise.
We have already known that the omega-3s-“good” fat in the seeds, nuts and some fish-can enhance the immunity, health of the heart and the function of the brain.
It was also linked to the changes in “Lagine” signsChemical signs on the DNA that change the activity of genes, and thus, how cells act. This indicates that the omega 3s reduces the pace Biological agingIt is often defined as a measure of the extent of the speed of a person’s body degradation compared to the general population.
To explore this more, Heke Bischof-TraRRI At Zurich University and its colleagues, 777 people are divided in Switzerland, between the ages of 70 to 91, to eight groups. They also wanted to know how omega -3 works alongside vitamin D supplements and exercise.
“Omega 3 plays on multiple paths of aging, such as being anti -inflammatory. Likewise, vitamin D and exercise have multiple benefits.” “We have thought, if you play on each of these differential paths, do you get added benefit?”
Some participants were already taking these nutritional supplements or training force at the beginning of the study. Bischoff-Berrari says it does not seem moral for telling them to stop exercising or stop taking some nutritional supplements.
In addition to the current lifestyle habits, each group was said to take different groups of a daily dose of 1 g of omega -3, imaginary drug pills and 2000 IU of vitamin D. In addition, some groups were directed to do 30 minutes of force training three Times a week.
For example, some people were asked to take omega -3 birth control pills, but not vitamin D supplements or any additional training for strength, while others were informed of force training and vitamin D taking, but not omega -3.
At the beginning of the study, researchers estimated the biological ages of the participants using the “Lagin Watches” that were pre -developed by the team and other researchers. These analyzed DNA signs are called methyl groups in blood samples that generally decrease with age, which weakens the cell function.
By doing the same three years after three years, the scientists found that the participants who were told to take Omega 3 only about 3 months old, on average, from those who were only given the imaginary drug pills. They have been factors that can affect the results, such as the actual life of participants, sex, weight and length.
“This is our biggest trial today, which indicates that simple supplements contribute to slowing biological aging,” says Bishov Ferrari.
Moreover, those who took omega -3 along with vitamin D and trained the strength between the ages of less, compared to people who did not provide any of these habits as part of the experiment. “The effect was somewhat more clear, nearly four months of renewal,” says Bishov Ferrari.
These effects may seem small, but it may be important for some Richard Seo At King’s College London. “For an elderly person, about three months, there may be a lot of age -related decrease, so this becomes more important,” he says.
But the Lagine watches are not an ideal measure of biological aging. “Just because the vital indicators on your DNA indicate that you resemble a younger person, this does not necessarily mean that you are more healthier,” says Seo.
More research must evaluate what changes mean in measures such as perception and the ability to exercise and heart health. The Bischoff-Perrari team is now analyzing the participants’ data on these results.
Beshov Ferrari says that more studies that involve people without these characteristics, and live in other countries, say that more studies that include people without these characteristics, who are younger and live in other countries, are needed. More studies that include people without these characteristics, who are younger and live in other countries.