Business & Economy

Opening the press in advance

Poetry and dental wicked continues to be clarified by those who despise Donald Trump inside Bilatay and throughout the country two weeks after his election to a second presidential term. This week, he continues without exploding the nomination of members of the cabinet in the Knights Corps, which apparently ends of circus artists and reality TV stars.

Meanwhile, the White House Representative Association is trying to negotiate a deal to provide a set of reports to cover the elected president, while the critical news organizations that have already rushed to fall into the same enthusiasm that one can give a dead body. It is respectful but less than happy.

JD Vance, the supposed heir to the throne, puts down, while Elon “Husky Musky” is in the foreground, and it clears the supporters to an angry, angry madness while those who celebrate the Trump brand of populism celebrate the reality wall. Wall Mart, the favorite Maga store, announced this week that if Trump puts a customs tariff on foreign goods, guess what people are, your prices will rise.

The next four years will be like caves men who throw stones on each other. Some will die, some of them will be injured and some will survive.

Throughout the country, the vote of moan, laughter, laughter, violation-besides many ribbons, speaks to the mental state of the divided population, sometimes widespread, defeated, not interested, disappointed, dizzy.

Let the games begin.

Trump is defending his choice of the public lawyer, Gaitz was ridiculed and licensed, while his candidate is promoted to supervise Medicare and Medicaid to millions He is one of the least candidates to attack the public positions offered by the next president.

Do not expect the media to help. We have sold our collective spirit during the elections, at least the six major companies that own and manage 90 percent of what you see, read or hear. Of course, Fox News did not have a spirit, which is why Trump’s examination of some of the main candidates simply means employing fox heads – whether they were eligible or not. At least he knows that they are loyal.

Trump’s communications employees have a good reputation in saying anything that the president prefers-which means many facts free of facts, which are no less than facts as facts. Stephen Cheung, the next White House communications director, is famous for his “Bagili” bombing – especially on social media – and like many Trump’s inner circle – has a background in entertainment. Before working as an assistant in the Trump campaign, he was a spokesman for the final fighting championship. This is not spelling although it is a clear preparation line for a series of lines.

His Secretary Caroline Levitte, 27, will be formerly trained in Fox News and assistant press secretary during the era of Kylie McNani. Levitte ran to Congress and lost during the mid -period elections 2022 and attracted support from Lauren Boubert and Ted Cruz for the style of her campaign “Brazin”. Hold the sound lines to the end, please.

Levit has never worked as a reporter and has no idea how the press works, but according to Trump, “Caroline is smart and difficult, and she has proven that she is very effective.” In a statement on Friday, Trump said, “I have the utmost confidence to outperform the platform, and help to deliver our message to the American people as we make America great again,” Trump said.

It remains to see. It has a lot of experience on the Brady Prefing Room platform like a brain surgery. I am sure that she watched some videos on YouTube for the school herself, but her appointment and Trump’s statement asks the question about whether the president is elected or not, as some rumors suggested, he will take over the tasks to surround the Roadi Room (usually leave to Whica) to ensure a friendly atmosphere of his enthusiasm The young man.

“These men are the worst,” a member of the Republican Congress told me for a long time-on the background-about the incoming management. This feeling has been confirmed by many Democrats, journalists and members of the secret service.

There is no difference. When Trump comes as he rides six white horses as he returns to the White House, he will have a young, and not experienced person known as a bomb talking to him. You will defend a convicted criminal who does not care about anyone but himself. Correspondents will prohibit, check them and silence them in another way while installing the definitions, collecting immigrants and starting happily from fluoride than our waters – which makes Dr. Strangeloove closer to reality with the absorption of “IDICRACY” in its ignorant sentences. Hey, at least it does not extend our waters with elevation, right?

Just remember: “Development is not necessarily equivalent to intelligence. With the absence of natural predators to relieve the herd, it simply began to reward those who cloned more than others, and left intelligence to become a threatening species.”

Welcome to America in 2025.

His name is not Dwayne Ellieno Mountain Dio Herbert Kamacho, but Donald Trump may decrease in history for many things if there is a future after he mixed his deadly file. At least, it will undoubtedly decrease as the age that referred to the death of Knell for what many considered “traditional journalism”.

The rise in its place are “independent”, live patients and content service providers who may be called many things, however “The journalist” is not among them. In many ways, the new dynamic reminiscent of many publications and newspapers in the nineteenth century. Each party had its own publication, which often prints the imagination that is presented as a reality for its political competitors.

When populism increased with Andrew Jackson (democratic) in the campaign against John Quincy Adams in 1828, the voters saw a struggle “between the country’s democracy, on the one hand, and an aristocracy engraved on the other hand.” It seems familiar? The young nation was divided and newspapers and bulletins retreated between the two men – in many cases that decorate these differences.

In Congress, Jackson’s followers, led by Senator John Randolph, harassed President Adams (seeking his second term) without mercy from “almost his inauguration until the day of his defeat.” Those in the Jackson Adams court described them, accusing him of installing “gaming tables and gambling furniture” at the White House at the expense of a year. They also accused him of sex before marriage with his wife and said when he was Minister of Russia, and the young American girl bought Alexander I.

Adams’s friends gave well as they happened. Jackson wrote, he was “ignorant, inexperienced” and “a man no work, no patience. Not fully qualified to education, habit and mood for the president’s station. By the time when the elections on the angry dependencies of Adam were descended to the bottom and accused Jackson of adultery, Gambling, rooster fighting, bighami, slave trading, sugar, theft, lying and killing. Jackson won.

In some respects, the policy of that time helped form a 200 -year -old journalistic freedom. When newspapers became everywhere, the advertisement became more popular and prolific. The direct influence of politicians faded, to replace the advertisers. Thus, newspapers became more than political breach and began to report every aspect of American society – which attract advertisers of everything that participates in American society along the road.

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Now, the times are back again. The press has become involved in an overwhelming majority in politics to the point of mania – but without acumen to provide an insightful look. If Trump is right in anything, he returns America – again to a time when women did not vote, blacks were slaves and child labor was the base.

The press is complicit in this. We report the lies that serve the self, which begins to use opinion polls to produce the desired result without any ambiguity. Then the polls are reported in the news that creates a feeling of general anxiety over fake threats – which the administration will then use to justify the procedures that do not in any way benefit the citizens that they claim to serve. Immigrants eat dogs and cats, and migrant terrorists who are calling American citizens while both are very lazy at work while filling all jobs is one of these issues in which the press helps to create the narration that Trump uses to support the arrival of immigrants.

Therefore, at the end of the day, the huge number of Americans, right and left, do not have an idea of ​​what is happening, but they definitely believe that they are on the right and any person who believes differently either communist, socialist, audio or fool – and sometimes all of the above.

I recently asked “X”: How do you deal with someone who has an opinion that is different from you? More than 1,200 people answered, and several hundreds responded to Blues when I asked the same question. There was a variety of answers, and some announced that they were looking for an understanding, or receiving such opinions with indifference if it was a matter of “something that does not matter”, such as whether you prefer your flesh slice rare or good. But almost everyone harbored the idea, often mentioned, sometimes, that their job was only to listen to others enough to persuade others in the righteousness of their case. Intellectual curiosity – even about the preference of meat slices was largely lacking.

This did not start with Trump. History shows that it has been with us since the beginning of our country and it has been the main element in human nature since we crawled from the caves. And sitting in the front row of reality display today, is increasingly clear that we have not moved away from the caves.

Therefore, sitting and a quarter of the clip, petals. The next four years will be like caves men who throw stones on each other. Some will die, some of them will be injured and some will survive.

But no one comes out safely – especially since the press has been bowed in advance.

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