RFK JR. He is now a health official in America after winning the Senate’s assertion of the leadership of HHS
Robert F. was confirmed. Kennedy Junior, the descendant of the famous presidential family known for his controversial views of vaccines, to lead the Ministry of Health and Humanitarian Services on Thursday from 52-48 votes largely along the party’s lines-with Senator Mitch Maconel, R-Ky. , One of the survivors of polio, the only Republican to vote number.
Kennedy initially considered a more strict sale of some other candidates for President Donald Trump because of his history in the Anti -Qazi Activity, but in the end no Republican did not break the other rows to oppose his candidacy. McConnell referred to this date in A statement explaining his vote: “I am survived by polio. In my life, I saw vaccines saving millions of lives from destructive diseases throughout America and around the world. I will not condone re -providing proven treatments, and I will not overcome millions of Americans who return to their survival and type in scientific miracles.”
During his assertion sessions, Democrats and some Republicans, including Senator Bill Cassidy, pressure. Kennedy to recognize the medical consensus that the vaccines are safe; Kennedy refused to do so. The candidate also faced questions about his position regarding health care as a human right (refusing the answer); His claim that doctors “”Black should not give the same schedule of vaccines It is given to the white [people]”Because of the differences in the immune system (defended its claim by referring to a” series of studies “); and its role in spreading wrong information, including a campaign to inhibit the vaccines in Samoa.
Democrats and healthcare activists Kennedy holds at least a partially responsibility for the outbreak of measles 2021 in Samoa, 57,000 people were killed and dozens were killed. Kennedy denied any responsibility for the outbreak of the disease, but he worked with Samoa activists to combat al -Qazam like Edwin Tamanez, who arranged Kennedy’s 2019 visit to the island.
After Trump’s victory, Kennedy He sought to reassure people It “will not take away anyone’s vaccines” and decrease from previous proposals to force the states to remove fluoride from drinking water. However, critics say that giving him a government platform risk cultivating confusion about the safety of vaccines, in particular, and that his promises to disinfect or reshape federal health agencies risk destroying their ability to provide Americans with safe and sufficient health care.
Kennedy allocated the American food and drug management, A threat to shoot employees For “aggressive repression” Raw milkand anesthetic and Kovid era treatments Such as Everkin and Hydroxy Chlukin.
“[Kennedy’s] Dangerous situations can take heavy hammer to medical and public health systems in our nation. ” books Richard E. Besser, former director of the Center for Control of Diseases, Richard Besser Lovri News and the United States. “Kennedy has planted confusion and lack of confidence in health issues, and the false sciences are preferred over theories of science -based science and conspiracy. Displacement harms all people, but the effects of ripple can cause the greatest damage to societies with the greatest health differences.”
“RFK JR. has constantly fueled the safety and effectiveness of preventive health care to save life and undermine years of progress in preventing diseases, treatment, and public health policy.” In a statement Earlier this month. “We are particularly frustrated by the actions of our fellow doctors in the committee, who chose to vote in favor of allowing an equivalent opportunism to combat science to lead the Federal Agency responsible for the health of our nation.
Cassidy, a former doctor who heads the Senate Health Committee, said he was “struggling” to do Kennedy’s nomination, but he finally voted to confirm after Kennedy. I promised to allow my Kasidi You have inputs in filling the main roles in HHS, maintaining information about the safety of the vaccine on the site of diseases control and prevention centers and not developing “parallel systems” on the approval of the vaccine.
Democrats used what the time of the Earth can seize its nomination.
“It seems as if Mr. Kennedy’s beliefs, history and background were specially designed to be the opposite of what the job requires,” said Senate’s minority leader Chak Shomer, Dunuraf. “A few weeks ago, it seemed as if Republicans in the Senate had placed the line on the candidates such as Robert F , Regardless of their margins.
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About Robert F. Kennedy Junior.