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Silent Hill fans first deal with a new game in Silent Hill Transmistation Livestream

Entertainment and news gossip from the shareholders ’network in Newsweek

Konami just concluded the Silent Hill Transmission for half an hour, giving the fans a first look at the next game in the legendary horror chain, Silent Hill F.

The presentation was opened with a new Silent Hill f tractor, which displays the new language – a Japanese city in the 1960s – and some details about the story. Silent Hill F Shimizu Hinako, a student from the fictional regional regional city of Ebisugaoka, will consume the fog of the series. I have faced all kinds of horror, including creatures similar to the frightening crossbar, an inserted monster, and some wonderful effects.

Shimizu hinako in a fogging alley staring at the bottom of a strange creature that resembles the exposed at Silent Hill F.


In the aftermath of the trailer’s offer, the Silent Hill Motoi Okamoto product and Silent Hill F Ryukishi07 – who is famous for his work in a series when he cries – was deeply diving in the creative forces behind the game. According to the duo, the main Silent Hill F is “Find the Beauty in Teerror”, which they say is a common topic of Japanese horror. Konami seemed to have felt that the previous games in the Silent Hill series became greatly focused on Western themes, so they wanted to focus more difficult on the Japanese elements of this series by placing a full game in Japan, with a strong focus on Japanese horror and icons.

Here is the official summary of Silent Hill F:

Shimizu Hinako was living in a normal teenage life. That is, until its city suddenly moves in fog and begins to change in a horrific way. Now, it must explore a town that is no longer recognized while resolving puzzles, fighting strange enemies, and doing everything in its power to survive … in order to face the final decision that it must make. This is a story about a beautiful and frightening option.

Akira Yamauka, the composer for a long time for the series, was brought to create new paths for the game, specifically “Fog World”, while Kensuke Inage, who was working in games like Dynasty Warriors and Tekkeen 8, creates the sections of “another world” from the game. Ryukishi07 Dai and Xaki collaborators will also compose new paths for the game, which is certainly happy when they cry.

The creature designer and Keira’s characters issued a statement that he showed in the presentation, talking about the challenges of creating something new but still familiar:

“I love the Silent Hill series, and it was a big impact on,” Keira said. “In particular, I constantly remember the Silent Hill 2, the messages on the walls, music, and the monster designs. So, when it comes to Silent Hill f, and brought the preparation to Japan, we had to come to something completely different, and I had to really think about how to think about this, but I still have to think about this. Silent Hill.

No view was displayed during the trailer or presentation, and the date of the Silent Hill f release was not revealed, but it has been announced that the Silent Hill F will be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X | S and PC via Steam, Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store, where it is available for the Wish Now menu. It is worth noting that Xbox and Microsoft Store versions are part of the Xbox Play program anywhere, which means that the players on these platforms can buy it on any of the platform and play them on the other hand without the need to buy them the second time.

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