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Square as a university student? Young drinking rates drop to the lower of this century.

If you are a university student trying to get an explosion, you may want to look at your grandparents for inspiration.

Young traditional wisdom imagines, revealing the newly discovered youth energy and independence, as they are the most difficult tapes. But the generation Z and Baby Boomers turns the text program.

The share of people between the ages of 18 and 34 years says they are drinking He falls From 73 % in early 2000 to 59 % in 2024, according to Gallup. This is the lowest youth drinking rates in this century. The decrease, along with increasing drinking rates by 18 % between Americans over 55 years old during the early first decade of the twentieth century, led to almost alcoholic consumption rates of the two groups.

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Alcohol appears to lose its place as the rituals of the generation of Z. at the same time, the Baby Boomers Drinking with double numbers jumped. What is behind the key to generations?

Megan Brennan, a prominent editor in Gallup, says that low drinking rates in the younger people seem to be a permanent direction. “It was a very fixed fall,” she says. “[It’s] Fightly, given that, as you know, in the early first decade of the twentieth century, this was the group that was drinking alcohol. ”

Young people who are increasingly ignoring in alcohol have pushed drinking rates to 58 %, just less than the historical average, even as alcohol consumption continued among other adults since 2010.

He is not only adult university and young students. Class of the eighth, tenth and twelfth graders who drink Decrease In the past few decades, according to the University of Michigan, the future surveillance monitoring. In the same survey, the drinking rates of the elderly in secondary schools decreased in half between 1975 and 2024, and it decreased to the lowest level ever by 42 %.

Alcohol also seems to be Falling preference In the public opinion court – again, especially among the younger Americans. In 2024, 65 % of people between the ages of 18 and 34 said that even mild drinking is bad for health. This is an increase of 35 percentage points since 2001. of all ages, the majority of Americans say that those who drink a “medium” amount of alcohol should decline.

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