Stephen Carey of Worerirs, on the verge of his 4000th index, says he wants to play beyond the current decade
Stephen Carey, 37 years old, will be 39 years old when his contract with Golden State Warriers expires. Provided that he is still playing at a high level at that point, Carrie would like to play after that. An interview on 95.7 game on Wednesday.
When asked about the time he could continue to play, Carrie said: “I do not know. I tried to answer this question before, and I only said many different things based on what I feel that day, but I think it is all measured in a style,” Can I reach this level that I expect from myself? “It is not really linked to points or statistical things. Then you re -evaluate them every year.
Stephen Curry exceeds 25,000 points
Jack Maloni
Last summer, Curry signed the extension of the contract for one year, 62.6 million dollarsSo his deal passes the 2026-27 season. DrayMond Green and Jimmy Butler was also signed during 2026-27, and the Warriors Steve Care coach is signed during 2025-26.
Once again in 2015Carrie told me that he hoped to play “until I am 38 years old or something like that.” In 2020He told the correspondents that he wanted to play until he is 40 years old, although his wife, Aisha, gives him a “small look” every time he says that. Its average is still 32 minutes for each game and produced at the American Professional League level, but he said in the year 95.7 the game that, under appropriate circumstances, can ultimately move to the role of the bench.
“Maybe, yes, maybe. I think everything is on the table,” he said. “On a definition question, like,” How long do I want to play, what will it take to do so? “I will answer these questions, but I am open to anything. Wins. Nobody wants to be just there existing. If that means I can win, I will deal with it in any way. “
For curry, it is a “issue of clarity” on what he can do on the field. He cannot now know how to move in 2027, but in 2025, no one is more dangerous than it runs around the screens.
Curry said: “No one wants to be naive to think,” Oh, you are still this man, “and you are not, and you have a system built around you and you have expectations based on this type of team.” “To this point, we are not there. How does it look on the road, I will discover it. But I love the game, and I think the fact that I am still attending and still enjoy as much as I do it every night, this is for me the blessing and beauty that I am about to turn into 37 years, and I feel exactly like the child when I am there. There. There.”
Curry, from The American Professional League leader has ever became 3 throws made in 2021The threshold of becoming the first player to make 4000 3s in his career. Upon entering the Golden State match against Sacramento Kings on Thursday, 3998 profession 3S.
“I am not sensitive to 3s because they are going through the floods, the game after the game,” Kiir He told reporters Monday. “Four thousand is just a crazy number, but it seems somewhat normal.”
This season, Carrey achieved five 3 seconds for each game, and it achieved a total of 357 last season. If he is already playing beyond his current contract, 5,000 are within the world of possibility.