The treatment of controversial autism acquires important, but some say that people hurt me nerves
Catherine Parsons, a 51 -year -old digital marketing specialist in Stamford, has struggled to clarify a job because employers did not understand their autism behaviors. I have struggled to adapt, a common problem for people with autism, like many others on the spectrum, Parsons tried to analyze applied behavior (ABA).
It is a controversial form but is widely used from autism therapy. Parsons believed that ABA could be an ideal solution, and at first I thought it was effective. ABA helped hide some of the autistic features that she launched – but this came at a sharp price.
“Maybe it seemed effective in the short term, but he left me without healthy strategies to adapt or tools needed to adopt nervous quality,” Parsons said. “I have mainly learned the suppression of I was and I do as a person I was not. This continuous rescue led to my self -erosion, and led to social anxiety, and caused depression, as I felt that I could not be myself anywhere. He also made the conviction almost impossible to form Original links with co -workers, and in the end, the pressure of this interface has led to extreme exhaustion.
PandeMic Covid-19 Parsons gave a welcoming concealment, but as soon as the employees were asked to return to the office, I found it difficult to deal with its autism features.
“I couldn’t hide behind the screen anymore and I had a severe general collapse in front of my co -workers,” Parsons said. “That experience forced me to face the damage that Aba has done and search for more structural treatments. I learned to be aware of my needs, and to pray for myself.”
The phrase “conversion treatment” has a stain associated with it, and it is understood. Whether it is targeted against homosexuals or transgender individuals or any other person considered “non -stereotype”, the conversion treatments are not reputable because they are not only fake, but spreading bias and harming this process.
“Instead of teaching, it seemed to be ways to crush my innate behavior rather than allowing them to develop on their own.”
In fact, many Activists compared Father For abusive false science Love Gay transformation therapy. Despite this, this practice grows in the United States. Between 2010 and 2018 there was a 1942 % increase In demand for people who have training in ABA, with industry growth every year. With such an explosion in this field, one hopes that popularity will be accompanied by reliable science. Instead, there is a real risk of conflicting interests in this field.
In 2021, Christine Potts Biotel, a professor of special education at Boston College, which focuses on autism, shared, Systematic review Of the 180 studies, I found that almost every author worked as a clinical consultant or ABA training “either deleted to advertise them as COIS in their published reports (i.e. no COI statement), or claimed that the authors did not carry any points.”
Scientists are subject to an ethical law when conducting research that confirms transparency about financial interests. If any literal investment scientist has the projects they are studying, it is morally required to reveal this conflict of interest (COI) for the public. Not all of this research is immoral or inaccurate – large drugs funded a lot of legitimate biomedical research, for example – but it must be detected for the public and avoids them as possible.
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On some occasions, the researchers linked or cited their research published on web sites that announce their consultative work. The authors concluded that “this way, these individuals use their research to market their clinical expertise to potential customers, but they still claim that their research is free of Cois.”
“My colleagues and I studied the extent of monitoring and reporting negative events in all intervention research research with autism until the age of eight, and we found that this practice was very rare, including ABA researchers,” a salon. “We repeated the same analysis with the intervention of the age of age with age with autism between the ages of 14 and 22, and we had a similar result – the monitoring of negative events and the preparation of reports was very rare, and most of this research with children with autism in this age group was used approaches Behavioral intervention “
Certainly there is no shortage of professionals who defend ABA. Bordeaux University found jobs growth for those who have ABA certificate exploded by 5800 % between 2010 and 2022The treatment market is expected to be ABA 12 % annually expanded between 2021 and 2028. For ambitious healthcare professionals, ABA is a prosperous industry. But does patients benefit?
Laura K. Anderson, Assistant Director of the Comprehensive Higher Education Program of the University of North Colorado University, Written on the experiences of those with autism Those who suffered from Aba. In theory, ABA encourages people with autism to better adapting to a world of nerve models (people who are not with autism) by providing positive reinforcement. In practice, critics argue that it simply encourages an unhealthy feature to hide autism. It also encourages doctors intentionally or otherwise, to misuse people with autism to display the features that are connected to the nerve.
“I feel very disappointed.”
“I received ABA treatment when I was younger, and instead of my tutorial, it seemed to be ways to crush my innate behavior rather than allowing them to develop on their own,” who is 34 years old from Huntington, New York, a salon said. “For example, entering into a problem for stimulation only adds to my anxiety and self -doubt. The matching of acceptable standards kept me isolated and misunderstood.”
Remember Emerson when he had to sit in silence for a long time during a session, which Andge found.
“Most of the time, the demand for the needs of the processor has overwhelmed my needs and made it difficult to be real,” Emerson said. “Although I learned some skills in the field of communication, emotionally, it took great losses: I had nightmares and a general feeling of self -control that continued well after the end of treatment.”
Parsons now requires assistance directly in identifying and removing sensory players, standing out between its meetings and using closed illustrations to help impeding auditory treatment. These methods were more than short -term effectiveness; It has resulted in long -term results, and Parsons enabled this process.
Parsons concluded that “I feel very defective.” “It pressures individuals with autism to control their behaviors to suit societal expectations, rather than teaching them how to move in different communication patterns and social communication. It gives priority to the desires of others rather than helping them with prosperity in their skin.”
Although scientific papers may hide this fact, others who interact with people with autism can confirm that this is true.
Anderson said: “Many of the invitation organizations run by individuals with autism (such as autism self -defense) condemns ABA as harmful,” Anderson said. “there The entire web sites Drafted for the reason that the father is bad and harmful as well. “
per Success storyThere appears to be a counter -story. Everyone with autism who has become good, there are others who feel upset with shock.
“The sources of the first non -academic person are not important, because ABA researchers neglect to monitor these concerns and report them in their research studies,” Potma Botel said. “We know that, according to the ABA research that tries to eliminate” the behavior of the problem “, many children with autism in these studies suffer from exacerbation of behavior during or after the end of intervention (such as self -harm).”
Although ABA researchers do not classify these “negative events”, Bottema-Beutel believes they should be. For such reasons, Anderson hopes that parents of children with autism will search for other options.
Anderson said: “The most important things for parents are to find other treatments that will help their child,” Anderson said. “The speech therapy is a huge area that parents must think about, to provide their child in a reliable communication manner that parents can understand. Other treatments may include mental health or occupational therapy.” She added that on the individual level it is “huge and huge. [occupational therapy] Because professional therapists are great in helping to know a “sensory diet” for individuals with autism to help them meet their sensory needs.
Bottema-Beutel adds that ABA should not be considered the “gold standard”, a claim that is presented based on the supposed hardness of basic scientific research.
“Parents should realize that many of ABA’s research has risks to bias (and therefore evidence of the event is unclear), that there is an sufficient reason for the belief that harmful events occur when people with ABA participating in ABA, and the majority said Bottma Botel: “From ABA research produced by researchers who also provide ABA as a service.”
You will also need to make comprehensive structural repairs to America’s health care system to completely protect children with autistic treatment.
“Parents often choose ABA because they are told as” the golden standard “, and because it may be the only type of support that will be covered by their insurance.” “In my opinion, this is a problem, and you will need systematic changes so that parents have options to support their autistic children who are not ABA, who are supported by solid science, which was the risk of sufficient damage to a lesson.”
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