Life Style & Wellness

Trump Maga’s acquisition of education may be a star with parents

Donald Trump tends to move attention or not by speaking a lot, leading to a continuous flow of hot air that does not indicate narcissism and hatred. It is a strategy that it has now adopted by people who write a defending executive orders, which reads the least similar to legal documents and more like the peoples written by Facebook by the newly pardoned J6er on its eighth cup of land Turkey. But Trump has a throw: the more he speaks, say. This may also carry his executive orders. It is likely that the most lengthy executive orders are the ones that have the least power to make change, a fact that Trump’s dependencies are trying to hide through overwhelming people with detection.

So this was an executive order with the excessive address of ventilation.End of fundamental indoctrination in education K-12“Which recorded in 2,391 miserable words, all dedicated to solving a” problem “only in the imagination of right -wing activists.” In recent years, parents have witnessed schools to wrap their children in a radical and anti -counterfeit. American ideologies deliberately prohibiting parental supervision, “the document is relentlessly. It continues to claim that” innocent children are forced to adopt identities as victims or persecuted only based on the color of their skin “and even” young and women are made to ask whether they were born in the wrong body. “Yes, they accuse your local teacher in your child’s grief in the Association of Independent Countries until they turn into the transit, and this is not how any of this works. It is a real surprise. It is the allegations that teachers called the demons or practiced magic, although you know they say that there is Things to each other.

With Maga, every accusation is confession, and nothing more than this is true of it in allegations that the left is the one who wants to “cancel” children. This was instantly proven in this document, which is a reformulation and orders of children to force children to submit to the extreme right view. Teachers are threatened with arrest if they allow the student who crosses the dress they love or use the name of their choice. Schools are required to replace the fact -based history with “the principles of national education”, which is an invested symbol of fake history that reduces slavery and leads to reducing white historical excellence. There is a lot of The language of intimidation about not teaching “the ideology of the sexes“It is the term intimidation to accept the transformers. This is just a mandatory indoctrination, of course, because it means that if a child asks about the converted people, the teacher will have to lie and claim that they are fake, which reduces the long -term results of the psychological community.

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This is all evil and evil – but it is not quite clear how clear legal The weight of these tourists. Dana Goldstein reports in the New York Times“The states and localities provide 90 percent of general education financing-they have the only ability to develop curricula, tests, teaching methods and school selection policies.” What is federal financing “goes out to the states in the form of congressional, and has a little strength to restrict his flow.” Government officials and decorations in the states and blue cities are already informing Trump about his executive.

It is likely that the most lengthy executive orders are the ones that have the least power to make change, a fact that Trump’s dependencies are trying to hide through overwhelming people with detection.

Liz Sanders, Director of Communications at the Ministry of Education in California, Liz Sanders, explained that the executive order is asking about the amount of money “can be legally canceled as a punishment for teaching the curricula that President Trump finds rejected.” “We can give the Trump administration that now answers: nothing.” She noted that “the White House federal law is to dictate what teachers can teach” by threatening money.

This “demand” should be more understanding that it is a correspondent document. Somehow, this is still very dangerous. They are fueled by extremist right -wing groups such as Moms for Liberty, and the states that are already controlled by Republicans and localities are waging a war on local schools by banning books, trying to force students and teachers on the treasury, and bullying teachers to replace real educational materials with right -wing propaganda. With this support from Trump, they may gather more, although it is difficult to imagine that it is getting worse in places like Oklahoma, Florida and Texas.

But even in the deep red states, the efforts made to reshape public education in the form of Maga were getting a lot of decline. In Oklahoma, Trump’s supervisor of the state continues to withdraw exciting works such as trying to force students to pray for Donald Trump or to impose the Bible study in the chapter. Often, these exciting works fall, such as when they are The Public Prosecutor of Oklahoma has been banned Mint prayer and Local educational areas simply rejected requests Study the Bible in the chapter. In Texas, the state tried to bribe educational areas to adopt the Bible curriculum by providing more money to the educational areas it uses. But with the threat of civil rights and education groups in the state to prosecute, the provinces are likely to be We see that it does not deserve a relatively small journeyEven if they are lured. Georgia also tried to attract schools in presenting the lessons of the Bible study. But there The student’s interest was almost, so most educational areas She did not care. Only 10 % of the schools are offered the classes. Of more than half a million high school students in Georgia in 2019, only 740 took the class.

The most likely response to most educational areas will be to ignore the “command” of Trump. Any fool may find enough obedience that they have a more enormous opponent than the explosive fascism in the White House: local parents.

When I learned that covering the curricula in the Swing County province in the suburb of Pennsylvania in 2023, parents often fight an extraordinary battle to control right -wing ideologies. This is not because they “wake up” and want to “color” children who have a left -wing ideal. Many of these parents were not particularly political people, especially compared to their conservative opponents, who were ideological. Their concerns were that children had a real education and a safe environment to learn. I did not feel that parents were excessively worried that their children would be “indoctrinated” by the right -wing propaganda that Republicans pay to the educational zone. Instead, they were worried about what children did not learn if the teachers wasting time with fake lessons about Maga’s imagination in the past. These parents had their eyes firmly on college requests and future employment opportunities, which they were afraid to be harmed if their children did not get a good education that teaches them the truth about the world. They wanted a strong library so that children could enjoy reading, not the books that children already read from the shelves “wake up”. One of the parents said about the members of the Liberty School for the Liberty School who were seeking to overthrow it, “These are not serious people.” It was not a matter of culture for these parents, but to ensure that their children did not waste their time in school.

One of the reasons why I think that many school councils have simply ignored the study of the Bible and other dictates of Maga Republican leaders that they know that many parents have their backs, and often in the most conservative areas. This is also a reminder of the frustrated liberals that tramp resistance at the local level does not concern and amazingly strong. The battle around education can be a strong way to prove that Trump is a paper tiger, and if people stand on it, it often loses it. He is trying to distract his attention from this reality by hitting the chest and talking-oh a lot of conversation-but there is strength in simply a saying that he does not and watch his ability to stumble his will.

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