Business & Economy

Volcanoes broke out on Jupiter’s satellite larger than Superior Lake

IO acid yellow satellite that revolves around Jupiter Less than 30 % may be the size of the Earth, but the most volcanic body in our solar system. As it becomes clear from Explosive From NASA on Tuesday: IO’s southern hemisphere contains a hot point of very massive volcanic activity, as it is larger than the Superior Lake.

It was discovered by Jovian Probe from Jovian Probe in Jovian (Jiram), the volcanic area in IO is sufficient energy that contains six times the total output of all power stations on the ground. Although IO’s surface includes at least 400 volcanoes with varying levels of activity, none until it approaches what astronomers have noticed with the new feature. In fact, the fact that there are a lot of hot dots closely spaced indicating that there is an underground magma room system.

“Juno had two cabinets closely to IO during the extended Juno mission,” Scott Bolton of the South West Research Institute in San Antonio, the main researcher at the mission. “While all Flyby presented data on the tormented moon that exceeded our expectations, the data from the latter – and the most distant – has truly detonated our minds. This is the strongest volcanic event that has ever recorded in the volcanic world in our solar system – so this really says something.”

NASA scientists consider that Geram’s discovery of this new hot spot is one of the most important results for Juno’s mission. As NASA explains, the source of “torment” IO is thanks to being “very close to the mammoth giant giant, and its elliptical orbit revolves around Jupiter once every 42.5 hours. The distance also differs, as well as the gravitational clouds of the planet, which does it leads to pressure on the moon Unabated.

“Although it is always wonderful to watch the events that rewrite the records of the records, this new hot spot can do a lot,” Bolton said. “An interesting feature can improve our understanding of volcanoes not only on IO but also in other worlds as well.”

In fact, volcanoes are believed to be very important to life, so they can study them on other bodies in our solar system this research elsewhere in the universe.

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