What is the meaning of “Midan”, Monoya?
Walking long distances on the beach outside. long Run On the beach while someone chases you and screams “Monteoya, Saleh!” It is in. The internet is currently obsessed with a video that begins with a man named Monteoya drowning his knees while watching a live nutrition for his girlfriend, Anita, betraying him with someone else. Once he wakes up, running below the beach to find it. Although the clip is from a Spanish TV program, its ordeal exceeded international barriers and was translated into a global language: themes. Below, here is what you should know about the drama that reveals La Izla de Las.and Including context on Of these peopleWhat happened before and after the I witnessed a lot A moment, and whether you can Join to watch The rest of the season.
It is the reality series La Isla de LAS LANTACIOS, It is the Spanish version of The island of seduction. The hypothesis is that couples come to a tropical island to test their loyalty to each other. Men and women are divided into separate villas, a group of attractive individuals and cornea and then trying to seduce them in the presence of affairs. Of course, there are cameras rolling so that the participants can get a chance to check what the other half (or from) does. Why registration for this? The husbands who participate in a critical turn in their relationship are usually, and they believe that proving their loyalty can help them.
Jose Carlos Montoya, 30, and 26 -year -old Anita Williams, participated in the eighth season after one year dating. brave! According to Pio couple Share it Telecinco, these two love birds have already met in a different realistic show, CONCOSTADOR, But the paths did not cross to the end. They started their relationship as a couple for long distances, which apparently sparked some insecurity. The couple wants to have a child together, and decided to come La Izla de Las. To test their relationship first.
Let’s go through a fast timetable. After entering the villa, one named Manuel put his attention to Anita. They finished kissing in a pond. When Mintoya saw Makeout clips at the first shooting ceremony, he was so upset that he opened his shirt. I send the iPad Flying, which runs as it is called the Sandra Barneda host, “Montoya, Por Favor”. (You only know how many times you will have to say that.)
At another shooting party, Monteoya was upset to see Anita and Manuel speaking in bed. Then it is his role to make his girlfriend upset. On a night in the game, Gabriella showed Gabriella on the face of Monoya and gave him a dance in the lap. Anita … was not enjoying close contact, and came out after seeing the shots.
Anita’s upcoming act for revenge sparked a notorious Mimi’s birth.
Montoya fell to his knees watching live nutrition from Anita and Manuel in bed. Since the husband has sex with a night vision camera, Montoy shouted and ran on the beach to the women’s villa. It was followed by Sandra Barna host, called, “Monoya, Porsus!”
bad. Because you don’t need to speak Spanish to understand how he feels.
Since the season is still going on, we cannot say with certainty where they will stand by the end. But in the wake of the beach enemy directly, Anita was angry at Monteoya. However, she later felt an apology and went looking for her boyfriend on the beach. Since it is against the rules of separate couples in connection with such a call, the Sandra Barneda host ended with the husband physically separated. I also told them that there will be consequences for this violation.
It turns out that the punishment is that neither Anita nor Montoya had seen direct footage. Instead, they had to undergo unique embarrassment to hear their teammates describing what they saw – including Montoya participating in some of his bedroom activities.
On social media, Montoya confessed vibrant with memes with Instagram mail Where it runs across the beach. Anita, at the same time, was recently published on Instagram video With a comment indicating that she is recently, she learns from everything and stands out the best version of itself.
Depends on where you live. La Izla de Las. It is currently available only to watch in Spain (although some people are trying their luck using VPN to reach Telecinco location).