Life Style & Wellness

While the Labor Party arranges more brutal discounts of benefits, how does this differ from life under the Conservative Party? | Francis Ryan

WRachel Reeves pledged last week that a third runway in Heathrow would put money in Pockets of “workers”The counselor gave a greater hint about the government’s plans than the main headlines suggested. The phrase not only claimed that the economic benefit of infrastructure projects for large funds will somehow roll to workers who are struggling to pay the rent. This implicitly means that anyone who has not fulfilled their duty in the labor market – for example, persons with disabilities or patients, family care providers and work surveyors must expect very little work.

Such feelings can be rejected as an empty discourse, of course, but in all accounts they are actually a preview. In the autumn budget, Reeves committed to maintaining 3 billion pounds from the “savings” disabilities that the outgoing conservative government planned. It is now expected that a set of spending discounts will be completed in the next two weeks, in what Describe the Times As a “radical reform of luxury”, hundreds of thousands of disabled people and chronic patients can see their benefits.

According to one option, global credit is consideredThe limited ability to work or activity related to work“The category will be canceled, which often requires strongly disabled or sick people to perform preparations for work. This may see that the claimants lose about 5,000 pounds per year.

At the same time, it is said that personal independence payments (PIP) – which pay some additional costs of disability and have nothing to do with whether someone works as depression and anxiety, The fastest growing causes For the benefits of disability, it is likely to target. Options that are considered one -time include instead of the monthly payments of some, or the test. According to what was reported, vouchers were excluded for specific equipment or tools instead of money – as planned by Rishi Sonak last year -. No change has been confirmed for any useful.

If any of this seems familiar, it is because of it – not only that only a decade ago, the coalition government was “reforming” the regime. Since the elections last July, the Labor Party ministers have repeatedly dripped the famous entitlements campaign To the right -wing pressFrom specific plans to remove the leadership licenses to the fraudsters to Mysterious pledges To get hordes of people from the benefits of outside work.

The purpose of these continuous surroundings may seem confusing, but there are potential interpretations: water test before announcing the company’s policy; And/or deliver a message. For the latter, just see unprocessing lines Times story: The ministers told business leaders that the changes in the PIP eligibility “will be the first priority” in the spending discounts in March, as Reeves “desperate” reassured the city’s heads that “social sponsorship savings” will cool down the need for the emergency budget to increase taxes.

It is not simply that such things call uncomfortable questions about the influence of the wealthy on governance, but they indicate very clearly to those who are concerned – and not. This is not necessarily an accident. Again in January, Reeves weakened the changes in the state of insecurity after hearing “fears” of business leaders. In contrast, concerns related to the disabled – as well as many charitable thinking and associations – about the discounts of disabilities proposed during the past six months, have not had the same effect. The disabled voters seem to be consumed. Possibly wealthy donors are less.

Politics, in essence, is the issue of priorities: public funds will be spent, where it will not do so, and how it will be raised. The work government seems ready to sacrifice the advantages of the poor and the disabled in order to protect the wealthy and healthy from paying a little more tax, as it is a type of deal that feels at best harmful, and in the worst case, betrayal.

None of this means that Britain, which has increasingly sick inhabitants is not a crisis that must be addressed. But this means that reducing arbitrary costs is not the same real reform, or that complex public policy must be dictated by the treasury. I can only ask about the number of those currently crying for the disabled “from the benefits” they will talk to. Limits in the work access system That causes disabled people to lose their jobs. The desire to obtain a disruption from the “care bill” is not the same as the desire to help them work.

In some respects, austerity appears during the era of Kiir Starmer and Rinz is different from the last time we were here: unlike David Cameron and George Ospuren, there is no ideological engine to reduce the state and there is no frankly bad motivation to punish the “mountains”. Two administrative executives are looking to balance books. Even this waiver between the beans is defective. Recent research of the Z2K Anti -Poverty Society It was found that the economic value of the benefits of deficit exceeds the cost far out: While there is an annual bill of 28 billion pounds to manage interest, it provides a possible economic batch of 42 billion pounds due to improving luxury.

Moreover, the motives of the Labor Party ministers differ (perhaps) from the Conservative Party, almost a lot of comfort for persons with disabilities who read another story that hopes how their only income can be taken. If the advantages of their disability are reduced when the Labor Party wins the elections, as well as when conservatives do, what is the exact difference?

Many of this goes beyond whether the red team or the blue team is in its position. It comes to systems that normalize the poor and isolated persons with disabilities while protecting privileged origins and strength. It comes to attitudes towards disability and poverty that makes them at least seem to be the right group for a loss more than others, and to ignore humanity that their suffering does not really matter.

Since more potential discounts in benefits are inevitably informed in the coming days, it is worth remembering that there are human beings behind all speculation. What is for politicians and critics is an abstract game that is for others to fear whether they will be able to eat regular meals or charge their electric chair next year. This is the thing about leaks. Driving for a long time enough and someone will eventually drown.

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