Why do Apple need to launch foldable Flip iPhone this year
The Apple iPhone 16 series fills a set of new features of improved cameras and deep integration with Apple Intelligence to updated processors. But the foldable face for a long time is still anywhere it can be seen. Most Android phone makers, including Samsung, Google, Motorola, OnePlus, Xiaomi and Honor, have been selling foldable devices for years until now, and began to feel that Apple is late in the party. This may be a problem.
Apple dominates the excellent phone category, but the folds – which are suitable for the excellent space in terms of price – are already divided into the wake, as Motorola Cnet tells that 20 % of customers buy a Apple jumping ship. Meanwhile, Samsung is located in the sixth generation of the FLIP and Fold series. Lisa Edicco from CNET also discovered a visit to Seoul, “Folds Everywhere” in the South Korean country in Samsung.
Will Apple go in a smaller format like the Galaxy Z Flip series?
With all the major android manufacturers entered the Android system, Apple runs the risks not only from the loss of potential customers but also to allow a competitor like Samsung to become the home name of the category, which may make it difficult for Apple its influence if it finally launches its foldable product. Moreover, customers who have become early adopted from foldable, which are attracted by luxury bending technology, may be very steadfast in the Android ecosystem by the time when Apple will reach the switch to iOS.
Apple is unlikely to be worried. It is estimated that about 20 million foldables were sold from all manufacturers worldwide in 2023, while Apple sold 26.5 million iPhone 14 Pro Max in the first half of that year alone. Apple clearly feels that she has not missed the boat yet.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max is a great phone. But what if he could bend?
Apple has always succeeded in spending its time, monitoring the industry and launching it on its product when it is ready. Apple has not invented phones, tablets, smart watches, or computers, but found ways to take existing products and make them more useful and more valuable in daily life-and I dare to say-more exciting. This is why iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac are dominating the market today.
For me, I need to see the Apple phone on the foldable phone. I have previously written about how disappointed me folded. I was a mobile correspondent for more than 13 years, and the phones are increasingly boring because they are close to becoming slight differences on the same rectangular slab.
Read more: The best FLIP phone for 2025
He promised to do something new, something innovative, something briefly ignited some excitement inside me, but after several years, this excitement diminished to the extent. They are good products, and while I love the modernity of the screen that bends, it is not a revolution in how we interact with our phones. It is not the way to reach the touch screen when we were still pressing the buttons to write text.
I was hoping that Google’s Pixel Fold is the phone that can be presented to the foldable front, and although the new Pixel 9 Pro Fold – the second generation of folding from Google – offers some wonderful updates, it still does not offer any kind of revolution. Instead, it seems like a move to I am from Google. As IPLUS Open. So, I instead left to look to Apple, a company with a busy record in the product revolutions, to create a new type of this type that really drives forward how we use our phones.
Google Pixel Fold is a decent phone, but it does not push the category forward in any meaningful way.
This innovation will not only come from the product design. Apple works closely with third -party software developers, which is the input that would help the foldable iPhone to become really useful. My biggest complaint about their folds at the present time is that although devices are decent, devices are only mainly on standard versions of Android with a handful of user interface modifications that have been delivered. They are regular phones only to bend.
A few Android developers adopt a folding format, and it is not difficult to know the reason; There are not yet enough users who justify time and expenses to adapt their programs through a variety of screen sizes. Multiple foldable formats are already facing that Android Foldables faces the same retail problem with which the platform has been afflicted from the start. Android’s -based milestones are a more difficult platform for developers to build than regular phones. Apple will be able to change this, as proven with iPhone and iPad.
Apple has not invented tablets, but the iPad line has caused a revolution in the category.
Looking at Apple’s close relationship with first-class developers-not to mention their vast developers team-I expect that Apple Adminible will make innovations that make them more than just the iPhone that folds two halves.
I really hope he would do so. I want to look at the launch of Tech again. I want to feel enthusiastic for a new tool in my hand and feel that the moment is “Wow” because I do something transforming for the first time.
In short, I don’t want to get bored of technology anymore. Apple, you ended up.
600+ photo with iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. Look at my favorites
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