Current Affairs

Will no one think about the federalists? NBC News is shamelessly playing emotional blackmail with workers’ demobilization – USADailyTrends

The old media does not have any fundamental arguments that you offer against Duj. The majority of Americans support waste, fraud and corruption from the federal government. And not with a scalpel, with a saw. However, being the visible left -wing people, the media must try Something To stop the bad orange man.

Usually, this includes calling for everything that President Trump and Elon Musk (even breathing) do. Or sexual bias. Or, which reflects the Democrats’ inability to reach anything original to say, describing both Nazi men and Hitler.

When all of this fails, as it was, they still have another one of their possession: emotional blackmail.

Last night, NBC News tried to tighten people’s hearts to turn them against Duj, as she came out of sad stories about the workers who were demobilized.

(It is funny how they did not do it when Bill Clinton launched nearly 400,000 federal workers in the 1990s).

Oh, please. Do you suffer from hair loss and gum bleeding, too?

First of all, no one tells Feds that they have no value. Doge is just determining that the work they do has no value. A clip from the famous comic play The theory of the big explosion Type of sums:

Very funny. Sorry, we could not resist.

but NBC story becomes really shameful In trying to address people against the necessary discounts by Dog. It begins by comparing a job loss for one factor – and we hope to get out of this matter, but we are not so in the suicide of his daughter and his battle with cancer.


The invitation, which would increase his life 11 years ago. His daughter was hanging herself. She was now supporting life. He rushed alongside her bed, but in the end the time came when the machine turned off. The father put his hand on his daughter’s chest, and found her heartbeat and wanted her to pay. Her heart slowed, slowed down and slowed down. Then stop. I left.

In an interview, the 54 -year -old suicide bomber, with the Ministry of Old Warriors Affairs, called for his painful journey, which also included hitting the cancer, as he was fighting with his new crisis.

The world who turned to salvation … was now in a state of turmoil.

Like nearly two million workers across the federal government, he monitors his colleagues and old warriors who are trying to help lose their livelihoods or weather and a barrage of letters that have no value for federal workers – often comes directly from the president and the people who enabled them.

This is shameful. We do not say that from the worker concerned here. There is nothing wrong, even a touch, to share his personal story. But for NBC to put it in this way? Comparison of the loss of suicide function?

It is completely denied.

(By the way, there is a lot three One million federal employees, not two million employees. Doug’s recommendations, so far, have resulted in a much lower reduction than one percent of these functions.)

The story continues to detail therapists, medicines, bilateral disorders, and other mental illness diseases of 20 unknown workers. This is supposed to make Americans believe that these people should work in the federal government?

He put it aside for a minute, we can only notice that NBC did not have this level of “sympathy” when the Biden administration cut the jobs of thousands of oil workers (and asked them to “learn the symbol”) or when that administration launched a lot because he did not want to get a trial shot.

Why were there no stories about these people who are “inhuman”, NBC?

They cannot. Because they did not.

The manipulation also failed with people working in the private sector, who deal with this tension every day, and has never protected their jobs by a government whose checks have never worn (thanks to our tax money).

Most people in the private sector regularly have to report their progress in their work as well, so an e -mail requests five things that people have done last week are not a “shock”, only a routine.

Unfortunately, but sometimes necessarily, the discounts and workers’ layoffs are also routine.

Ordinary civilians do not receive national propaganda because the old media cannot use it as a country to try to hit the president.

Especially if this president is democratic.


Again, NBC News has never written these crying stories during Clinton’s larger discounts greatly. Or when Barack Obama began a program that is very similar to Doug during his management.

(Then again, Obama put Joe Biden responsible for this program, so it was a miserable failure from its inception.)

They do not do this by chance. They want everyone to be weak, weak, and completely depend on the government.

We are not without a heart here. Function is an exhausting time. Nobody opposes it.

But it can also be time for a great opportunity. We are ready to bet that for 20 people, NBC was deliberately chosen for their emotional article for blackmail, there are another 200 people (at least) working to find something better for themselves and their families.

This is not commensurate with the old media novel. So NBC will ignore these people and continue to search for victims to pay a narration.

Sorry, “journalists”. America is no longer falling for that.

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