Life Style & Wellness

Kenji Morimoto Recipes for Fennel, cabbage pickled cabbage, coffee and sausage soup food

IEasy and healthy dishes do not give up flavor, and if the time is lifting, the more better. Enter my drinking and cabbage Kraut Sausage Stew, which is a slow -slow -slow recipe in a simple Slow caker like throwing a handful of ingredients (with minimal preparatory) in a bowl. The depth of the flavor comes from the delicious concrete fermentation, which is decorated with tense cream and your favorite hot pepper oil. Warm, nourishing, and best of all, also freezes well.

Fennel and cabbage pickled cabbage

Shammar Kinji Morimoto and cabbage cabbage cabbage.

To expand the scope of this recipe (which you will likely carry to do, because I guarantee that you will get it quickly), you only need to follow the percentage of salt to the total weight of vegetables.

Preparatory 15 minutes
fermenting 2-5 weeks
Make 1 liter jar

Shammar 300 g
550 g white cabbage

17g salt (Or 2 % of the total weight of fennel and cabbage)
½ TBSP Caraway seeds
TBSP Seed Seed

The vegetable slice with a knife or mandoline, then put it in a large bowl; Do not hesitate to use the essence of cabbage as well, but be sure to cut it uniformly, so everything falls back at a similar pace.

Add 17 grams salt to the bowl and massage the mixture for five to 10 minutes, using a good amount of pressure to improve a saline solution. If you do not see a lot of brine at the bottom of the bowl, continue to massage and a group of brine must appear. Sprinkle on the seeds of the carway and crystal, and mix again.

The deaf mixes Kraut in one sterile jar, and packaging them to ensure that there are no air pockets and thus collecting a saline solution above the vegetables. Use the weight of safe food for food to ensure that everything is held under a saline solution, then close the jar and leave it for fermentation at room temperature and outside the direct sunlight for two to five weeks. In the two -week brand, start taste the cabbage pickle, and as soon as you are satisfied with its flavor and tang, move the jar to the refrigerator.

Shammar and cabbage croup soup with tense cream and hot pepper oil

This soup is customized: Use the plant-based sausage, change the beans or throw in other vegetables-if you do so, just remember setting the cooking time accordingly.

Preparatory 20 minutes
Cook 3-6 hours
Serving 4-6

2 tablespoons olive oil
400g sausage
And removal of the skin and meat collapsed
2 white onionsExactly exfoliated (about 300 grams)
Salt and black pepper
400g bean cans CanilliniDepletion
Shammar 500 g The cabbage cabbage cabbageNo depletion (see the recipe above)
1Chicken liters
200 gmolo NeroAbstract leaves and torn in large pieces

For service
TensionOr cream fresh or Greek yogurt
Hot pepper oil

Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat, then fry the sneaksetite for five to seven minutes, until it is cooked through brown color; Use a metal spoon to scrape any remaining parts (this equal flavor!), Then transfer it to a bowl.

In the same pan, cook the cubic onion in the remaining oil with half of the salt, while stirring regularly, for five to seven minutes, until it ranges in caramel.

Try this recipe and many others on the new Feast application: wipe or click here For free experience.

Place the cooked sober onions and onions with caramel in a slow cook, add Canillini pills, pickled cabbage and chicken singer, and cook a six -hour decrease (or high for three hours).

A buzz in Cavolo Nero until it wanders in the remaining heat, then seasoning to taste it and serve with a few dolls of tense cream and your favorite spicy pepper oil.

  • Kenji Morimoto’s book, fermentation: fermentation and simple pickles, and how to eat it, will be published. Ban McMilan in April

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