Current Affairs

More than 13 % of the FBI worked on January 6

On Tuesday, the FBI released the names of about 5,000 employees who worked on cases related to the siege of January 6, the killer in the American Capitol.


This version comes in the middle of the Ministry of Justice (Doj), which examines those of its ranks who worked on January 6 cases, including the launch of nearly 30 sponsors last week who worked on the Special Adviser Jack Smith team.

During the weekend, the Ministry of Justice also sent questionnaires to thousands of FBI employees, and asked them to detail the level of their participation in the investigations related to the Capitol 2021 attack.

Newsweek Previously, the White House and the Ministry of Justice continued on whether the Trump administration is planning to launch all FBI members who worked in the January 6.

What do you know

The FBI consists of about 38,000 employees, according to the office’s website, which means that more than 13 percent of its working power participated in cases related to the Capitol blockade. There is no evidence that any of the FBI members participate in political bias or misconduct while working in the investigation, which was the largest in the history of the Ministry of Justice.

Two groups of FBI agents filed lawsuits on Tuesday against the Acting Ministry of Justice and the prosecutor, accusing them of an illegal attempt to purify the office of officials who are considered loyal to the president illegally.

“When returning to the presidency, Mr. Trump ordered the Ministry of Justice to conduct a review and purification of the FBI employees in these investigations and judicial trials.” He added that “this guidance is illegal and vengeful”, “Violation of a federal law that protects government employees from unfair treatment.

Al-Shukawi said that in addition to the interrogation of the FBI employees about their participation in the January 6 cases, they asked them for the questionnaires that were distributed last week to determine whether they were playing a “specific role” in Smith’s investigation in Trump’s questionnaire. Florida after leaving his position in 2021.

The lawsuit said that the prosecutors have a reason to believe that the information they provide “will be used to target them for a revenge emptying because of the Trump administration’s perception of their loyalty.”

The lawsuit also claims that Trump “made frequent public statements about his intention to take revenge on people who see that he does not simply be afraid by executing their duties in investigating the actions that incite it and people loyal to it.”

Soon after this lawsuit was filed, a The second group of unknown FBI employees A lawsuit was filed against the Ministry of Justice, accused of implementing “the completion of the illegal mass of the office employees” participating in the investigation of the Capitol.

What people say

The FBI Association urged Congress to protect the jobs of the FBI employees who can be expelled, saying partly that the organization has “Urgent concerns about the recent measures taken by officials in the Ministry of Justice that threaten the professions of thousands of agents of the FBI and risk disrupting the basic work of the office.”

What happens after that

The Associated Press reported that although the FBI has led to details of approximately 5,000 employees participating in the investigation on January 6, it only identified them through their unique identification code.

A pedestrian is running at the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, on August 15, 2022.

Mandel Nagan/AFP via Getty Images

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